Day 2. Again no glasses or contacts and I feel this is the way to go. first race was red flagged on the first lap due to someone not making the hairpin and so two starts from 12th on the grid, therefor mid pack, makes the first corner interesting.
11th place and fairly uneventful, that is until I got back to the pits. I noticed rather a lot of oil on the rear tire and on closer inspection there was so much back there it was dripping off the rear calliper. This must have happened whilst coming back to the paddock as there is no way I would have stayed on round the hairpin if it was there on the last lap.
Now I am not a big fan of rules and being told what to do but I feel I owe a big thanks to whoever came up with the fairly recent rule that states all 4 strokes must have an oil catch tray and an absorbent mat in the bottom of it.
There was enough oil in the tray to fill a bean can and a half with oil (about 600 gms) and some had escaped onto the back of the bike, if the tray hadn't been there then all that oil would have been on the track and I guess I wouldn't have been the only one inconvenienced by that.
It took a while to find where the oil was coming from but it turned out the lower rear engine breather had come loose, I am struggling to understand how this has happened because there was no oil in the tray before the race as I had checked the bike over before the new days racing and not found any. It is similar to CNW's one way breather (although not as nice looking) in so much as there is a block bolted to the engine and then another block bolted to that, the two bolts holding the block to the engine had come loose and I can only imagine that the gasket cement had held it in place until, it didn't. There was no weeping of oil before this happened and the two bolt were probably undone a full turn which I cannot see happening in one race, anyway that was the end of racing for the weekend as it is an engine out job to refit it.
I now have the engine out and there is no damage to anything. But there isn't much evidence of any Lock-tight on the bolts either, I remember being very careful when fitting the breather because I knew I couldn't get to it without removing the engine and I definitely used Lock-tight. I am now coming to the conclusion that because we have been repeatedly held for extended periods of time in the holding bay due to track clean up problems, that the engine had got hot enough to denature the Lock-tight. Only a guess but I will be looking at the different types of Lock-tight and I am going to drill the bolts and work out a way of lock wiring them as well. And I think it will be wise to start taking the starter and stand to the holding area.
I have pulled the head and barrels whilst the engine is out and despite having done about 500 racing miles, everything is OK. I built the engine with Driven assembly paste, did about 60 miles with Driven break in oil and then used Amsoil Dominator oil until Jim Comstock's excellent oil test convinced me to use Royal Purple HPS 20w50. Thanks Jim.
Its all ups and downs this racing lark.