Gearbox clutch operating body and lockring

Do you use a steel drift on a steel component or do you use a brass or aluminum drift punch on steel ...that is the question ...
All my drifts and punches are steel, I do have one brass drift but very rarely use it, I have a full set of punches from small to large, each one has a purpose and use, it's the hand that controls how it's used.
All my drifts and punches are steel, I do have one brass drift but very rarely use it, I have a full set of punches from small to large, each one has a purpose and use, it's the hand that controls how it's used.
I use lead... brass.. nickel ..steel..aluminum drifts...panel hammers.. ball pein hammers ...carpenter hammers..tack hammers...sledge hammers..and rubber mallets...all for a specific purpose not doubting your ability Ashley ...proof is in the pudding 👍
I use lead... brass.. nickel ..steel..aluminum drifts...panel hammers.. ball pein hammers ...carpenter hammers..tack hammers...sledge hammers..and rubber mallets...all for a specific purpose not doubting your ability Ashley ...proof is in the pudding 👍
Don't forget chunks of hard wood .
For the lock ring a hard wood dowel and rubber mallet might do the trick ?
You forgot hide mallets.
I use those, plus whatever else that was listed for apropriate purpose.
The Old Brits tool is what I have copied before OB quit the business, and now which Andover has copied, is great for not marring the lock ring.
each to his own method. I have seen many bashed up lockrings from my experience.
These tools are better IMHO.
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Sometimes when the lock ring tightens up leaving the lever a smidgeon short of the cable hole I heat up the lockring and boss then tap the lockring a bit further. Doesn't take that much heat.
I fail to understand why anyone would have an expensive motorcycle and baulk at spending a few £ on a service tool to do a job properly. The cost of the tool will be less than the cost of repairing a bodge.

I have the clutch mechanism lock ring tool. I havent used it in years - haven't needed to. But I do know the lock ring in my bike's gearbox isn't butchered.
One reason is, I have wheelbarrows full of "special" tools for vehicles I no longer own, and nobody wants the tools.

Rochester Quadrajet electronic feedback carb plunger setting tools anyone? 😞💸