The fuel consumption rates Fast Eddie. JM Leadbeater, and I were attempting to calculate, or at least estimate, was for MAXIMUM RPM AND SUSTAINED MAXIMUM POWER OUTPUT. We each expressed concerns that fuel taps could not deliver the required fuel rates.
I dusted off some old textbooks and did some research on specific fuel consumption rates (sfcr). The following Figures are from 1960's textbooks, so the data is representative of the period of our Norton engines. Modern engines with computer controlled fuel injection, ignition timing, and variable cam timing are not to be compared to this data.
The first thing to notice, is the value of sfcr for a typical (all engines in such data sheets should be considered typical, unless a footnote declares otherwise) gasoline engine. There, in the first line of the data, is that value of 0.5 lb/hr/hp that Triton Thrasher used in his computations, and that WZ507 used for his graph above. But there is a big rub ... take notice of note (b), which tells us the value is taken at maximum thermal efficiency. Now review Fig 2, and note that the sfcr curve (high-lighted in yellow, and scale read at right), is not constant, but has a minimum at the maximum thermal efficiency rpm. This rpm corresponds to the maximum torque point as well. Auto designers gear the vehicle so this maximum thermal, and minimum sfcr, rpm corresponds to typical highway cruise speeds. Note further, that the value of sfcr increases by about 17% from the minimum for this engine, peaking out at the maximum rated rpm which is a modest 4400 rpm (this is an engine for economy, not performance).
Specific fuel consumption rises with increasing rpm mainly due to increased internal friction of the engine. For a high performance, high revving engine, we should expect sfcr to increase by a greater amount than that shown in Fig 2.
Note, in Fig 1, the values of sfcr for an aircraft engine. Note (c) tells us the value is at maximum efficiency, while note (d) indicates the value is at maximum (but not take-off) power. (In an aircraft, maximum power is the maximum sustained cruise power, while the engine can deliver more power for take-off but such higher power is limited to a 5 minute burst only). The sfcr increases by a whopping 59% from max efficiency to max power! You can bet take-off power will increase the sfcr even more.
One more point to consider: the data is for typical engines, the engine of Fig 2 develops 0.67 hp/cubic inch displacement, the Lycoming aircraft engine which powers the ubiquitous Cessna 172 develops 0.5 hp/ci. Our Nortons develop 1.3 hp/ci. Higher performance engine have higher sfcr.
Fig 1
Fig 2
Triton Thrasher's calculations and WZ507 's graph are 100% accurate, but are appropriate ONLY for cruise conditions, which is the rpm range that the value of 0.5 applies. From a strictly technical standpoint, the performance data such as Fig 2 are developed at WOT, and since no one cruises at WOT, the value of the chart is moot.
To accurately determine the minimum fuel delivery rate that a petrol tap must deliver for SUSTAINED MAXIMUM POWER, we must have a performance chart for our Norton engines similar to Fig. 2, and we must use the value of sfcr that is found to occur AT THE MAXIMUM POWER RPM. A dyno run will not suffice for the performance chart we need, unless the instantaneous fuel consumption rate is simultaneously measured while the hp vs rpm chart is developed.
In lieu of a proper performance chart for a Norton engine, we can only "guesstimate" a reasonable value of sfcr at max. rpm and power. I would say 0.8 to 1.0 is reasonable ... admittedly, this is a "gut" estimate, but from the discussion above, it should be accepted that 0.5 does not apply. Using 0.8, I calculate a required fuel delivery rate of 0.9 US pints per minute (426 ml/min), while sfcr of 1.0 requires 1.12 US pints per minute (530 ml/min). These numbers are based on a 60 hp engine, apply proportional calculation for other hp ratings.
htown16 quoted a source who stated 300 ml/min FOR EACH FLOAT was the minimum with sufficient reserve. That is 600 ml/min total, or 1.26 US pints per minute. That latter value corresponds to Fast Eddie's and my own initial estimate.
I would like to hear from the racers and speed trials guys .... how are you ensuring adequate fuel flow?
For now, it seems like the guys who are running dual petrol taps feeding dual concentrics with dual floats and needles, have an advantage over us with sawed off Monoblocs sharing one float and needle.