acotrel said:
Avgas starts at about 100 octane and is leaded up to 135 octane.
Not so - get it right.
LL100 is the common avgas these days.
100 octane, with what is said to be 'low lead' = LL - at least compared to the old days.
Note this is international octane calculations, not the USA version...
Avgas used to be 130 octane, with a tremendous level of lead.
(can you still get this, some aircraft engines would need it)
And also a fair old dose of 'halide scavengers' - thats what made the lead come out the exhaust as grey dust.
And put the brown ring on spark plugs.
And not build up hard fused semi-metallic lumps in the combustion chambers.
Don't know about that comment that the war on lead was won 100 years ago - its still being waged ?!
Auto paint only lost lead in it a few years back now.
And someone mentioned lead in the paint of childrens toys even still today.
Research into our feathered friends showed that high lead levels in fuels made them have difficulties with even basic survival skills, like nest making.
That shows how deeply into our environment this poison was getting....