Follower scar oil tests (2018)

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Here is the oil I bought for $18.00.
It tests very well.
Follower scar oil tests (2018)

Follower scar oil tests (2018)

Results are on hold until I get to the bottom of some sensor glitches that are messing up results.
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I'm mildly disappointed here. I have decided that my precious Amzoil 15w50 racing oil (Dominator) has to go due to heat causing friction so I made my little list of oils from these tests.

I had Royal Purple XPR 20w50 with 148 Lbs failure and 31% cooling fan, Motul 20w60 with 155 Lbs failure and 0% cooling fan, Ravenol RHV 20w60 with 228 Lbs failure and 11% cooling fan, Torco SAE60w with 235 Lbs failure and 17% cooling fan and MPT Motorcycle 20w60 synthetic with 295 Lbs failure and 37% cooling fan.

Those were the choices I narrowed my decision to. I found them on Amazon and some also on eBay. I was thinking of the Torco 60w since it has a high failure pressure and only 17% fan cycle. But, I am having a heat problem with the precious Amzoil so I focused in on the Ravenol with 11% fan cooling cycle and a respectable 228 Lbs failure load.

Now the Ravenol has been taken off the list of "approved" Norton oils and I have a $90 5 quart container scheduled to be here by Friday! (Jim, do you think it would be OK in my lawn mower?)

I think my choices are going to ultimately come down to: Royal Purble XPR 20w50, Motul 20w60 Lemans Synthetic, Torco SAE60 racing oil, Mobil 1 15w50 or MPT motorcycle 20w60 synthetic. I don't like the film strength of the first two even though 148 Lbs and 155 Lbs are respectable figures. There are others that have a higher film strength and low friction. I'm waiting on the graph of the Mobil 1 before I order more oil.

I have until the 3rd of October before I have to have the bike running for the great Barber Vintage Festival!!
I hope I see you all down there, Dan.
I'm mildly disappointed here. I have decided that my precious Amzoil 15w50 racing oil (Dominator) has to go due to heat causing friction so I made my little list of oils from these tests.

I had Royal Purple XPR 20w50 with 148 Lbs failure and 31% cooling fan, Motul 20w60 with 155 Lbs failure and 0% cooling fan, Ravenol RHV 20w60 with 228 Lbs failure and 11% cooling fan, Torco SAE60w with 235 Lbs failure and 17% cooling fan and MPT Motorcycle 20w60 synthetic with 295 Lbs failure and 37% cooling fan.

Those were the choices I narrowed my decision to. I found them on Amazon and some also on eBay. I was thinking of the Torco 60w since it has a high failure pressure and only 17% fan cycle. But, I am having a heat problem with the precious Amzoil so I focused in on the Ravenol with 11% fan cooling cycle and a respectable 228 Lbs failure load.

Now the Ravenol has been taken off the list of "approved" Norton oils and I have a $90 5 quart container scheduled to be here by Friday! (Jim, do you think it would be OK in my lawn mower?)

I think my choices are going to ultimately come down to: Royal Purble XPR 20w50, Motul 20w60 Lemans Synthetic, Torco SAE60 racing oil, Mobil 1 15w50 or MPT motorcycle 20w60 synthetic. I don't like the film strength of the first two even though 148 Lbs and 155 Lbs are respectable figures. There are others that have a higher film strength and low friction. I'm waiting on the graph of the Mobil 1 before I order more oil.

I have until the 3rd of October before I have to have the bike running for the great Barber Vintage Festival!!
I hope I see you all down there, Dan.

Hold on for a bit.

Something funny is going on with my electronics and until I get to the bottom of it, I can't say if the high temp problems are real or not.
Will that have an effect on my Joe Gibbs? Ha

I don't think so.
This was a problem that just came up after I did the high temp testing with the Mobil 1.
It may have affected the high temp test on the Mobil oils. I am thinking there may be a temperature control problem.
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Well it looks like I shot myself in the foot.

I did a little tig welding in the vise on the end of the oil testing [welding] table and even though all the computer stuff was turned off it still scrambled a lot of the configuration settings both in the daq and the process controller.
The temp was doing wild swings and the strain gage sensor for follower pressure was out of whack.

So it looks like I get to spend some time getting the baseline settings back....
You know it makes the rest of us happy to know you are human. Although, I certainly empathize. I should change my user name to "sisyphus".
So this oil testing project has turned into a real learning experience for me, both in the variations in the oils and finding the best ways to test them.

There have been several little changes and glitches along the way that have affected the results in one way or the other. Sometimes this has made it difficult to compare the results directly.

Now that I have had to start over with all of the sensor configurations and calibrations, the plan moving forward is to start fresh with new, more consistent tests.
These will be posted as I complete them and going into a new database as well. Jim
A separate, pinned thread where only Jim can post his testing results in might be very handy. Just an idea.
[QUOTE="comnoz, post:
These will be posted as I complete them and going into a new database as well. Jim[/QUOTE]

Thank you Jim. This is exactly what I was going to request that you do.

Now that I actually have oil temp control and a well calibrated load cell I have started the tests over.

Low and high temp tests for the first seven oils have been posted in post #1

A database is under construction
I'm still trying to figure out how you paid $18/qt for that Mobile 1. Did that include shipping overnight or something? Where did you get it from (so I can avoid that place like the plague)?
I'm still trying to figure out how you paid $18/qt for that Mobile 1. Did that include shipping overnight or something? Where did you get it from (so I can avoid that place like the plague)?

Local performance auto parts store. Only place close that was open on Sunday.
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