*FIXED* Forum access problems with Apple devices

Are you having issues browsing the forum with apple products?

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I only have access to iPhone in my pocket today , so far so good ! Thanks
Hi Glen, is this still happening?
I made some changes to a few things this morning.
Hi Jerry
Yes, still takes a few tries to get something open. This is true on the house wifi or on data. The problem went away when I logged on using a McDonald's Restaurant wifi.

Hi Jerry
Yes, still takes a few tries to get something open. This is true on the house wifi or on data. The problem went away when I logged on using a McDonald's Restaurant wifi.

Hi Glen,

I think this is an un-related issue to the iPhone issue, however its obviously of concern. I find it hard to believe that it can be anything to do with your connection, but if it works on other connections like you mention, then logic would make it seem like something to do with your home network. Please can you describe your setup. For example is there a Modem/ Router or do you have a Modem and a Router? Please feel free to PM me on this. If you have a Modem and then a Router downstream of that, plug your device directly into the Modem and by-pass the router. Let me know if that is any different (if its a Modem/Router combined you cant).

I am assuming that you have already rebooted your Modem and your Router. Sometimes IP tables get messed up and this will resolve that. You can also try flushing the DNS on your computer if nothing else works (or restarting it). I can explain more on that later. I am sure you have already tried these things, but just in case. I am not sure what else to try. Anyone else got any ideas?

Hi Jerry

We switched from Modem and router to a very high speed data based wifi a few months ago. Speed went up by about 10x but I think that is when the AccessNorton problem showed up.
I don't have the problem on other sites.
I have tried rebooting the modem like unit that the system uses.
Hi Glen,

I think this is an un-related issue to the iPhone issue, however its obviously of concern. I find it hard to believe that it can be anything to do with your connection, but if it works on other connections like you mention, then logic would make it seem like something to do with your home network. Please can you describe your setup. For example is there a Modem/ Router or do you have a Modem and a Router? Please feel free to PM me on this. If you have a Modem and then a Router downstream of that, plug your device directly into the Modem and by-pass the router. Let me know if that is any different (if its a Modem/Router combined you cant).

I am assuming that you have already rebooted your Modem and your Router. Sometimes IP tables get messed up and this will resolve that. You can also try flushing the DNS on your computer if nothing else works (or restarting it). I can explain more on that later. I am sure you have already tried these things, but just in case. I am not sure what else to try. Anyone else got any ideas?

I certainly sounds like a home network issue. Like you said if it's all running wireless I would try with a cable connection first. If that is better, reboot everything, flush DNS, forget wireless network on the devices and reconnect, clear browser cache, try a different browser, make sure that the devices have the latest security updates ( although laughingly that's what caused this thread in the first place), borrow another device to test.
Hi Jerry

We switched from Modem and router to a very high speed data based wifi a few months ago. Speed went up by about 10x but I think that is when the AccessNorton problem showed up.
I don't have the problem on other sites.
I have tried rebooting the modem like unit that the system uses.
Hi Glen, your computer might be caching the wrong dns due to your new router. Try:

1) Shut down computer
2) Power off modem/router
3) leave modem/router off. Start computer and flush dns. Then shut down computer again.
4) Power up modem/router
5) Start computer again,

see if that makes any difference
Hi Glen, your computer might be caching the wrong dns due to your new router. Try:

1) Shut down computer
2) Power off modem/router
3) leave modem/router off. Start computer and flush dns. Then shut down computer again.
4) Power up modem/router
5) Start computer again,

see if that makes any difference
Follow-on. If what Jerry said doesn't work it's still likely to be DNS. You almost certainly get your IP Address and DNS address from the router or modem in your house. If your computer is Windows-based, open a command prompt and enter nslookup. It should instantly come back with some info. If it does not, then the DNS supplied by your provider is not working well. If that works enter www.accessnorton.com (you'll still be in nslookup). That should instantly come back with address of this site. It might or might not say "Non-authoritative answer:" - doesn't matter if it does or doesn't. If it does retries rather than instantly returning with the address data, we know what the basic problem is - report back for the fix.

You can also try ipconfig /flushdns and then do the nslookup tests.
Hi Jerry, FYI : my IPad is having issues again.
I don't know about "I" products, but nslookup and ipconfig are available for Andriod and I bet for "I". Try my last using them - they may or may not have parameters.
Hi Jerry, I’m using Safari on the IPad. I also downloaded and tried Firefox - same result.
Follow-on. If what Jerry said doesn't work it's still likely to be DNS. You almost certainly get your IP Address and DNS address from the router or modem in your house. If your computer is Windows-based, open a command prompt and enter nslookup. It should instantly come back with some info. If it does not, then the DNS supplied by your provider is not working well. If that works enter www.accessnorton.com (you'll still be in nslookup). That should instantly come back with address of this site. It might or might not say "Non-authoritative answer:" - doesn't matter if it does or doesn't. If it does retries rather than instantly returning with the address data, we know what the basic problem is - report back for the fix.

You can also try ipconfig /flushdns and then do the nslookup tests.
I thought we agreed to talk slowly and use small words… preferably from the English language…?

My situation remains the same, it was no better or worse when trying it following Jerry’s prompts. It’s an issue on both Apple devices, only an issue with this site, and not an issue when I use my mobile data.

Trouble is I haven’t got a clue what all your gobbledygook means…!
Or I , thanks for putting that out there Nigel , afraid I’m not button friendly at all ,except the go fast one ….
Looks like the problem is definitely related to the new iPad upgrade.
Just upgraded mine and I am have issues. Constantly goes to a reload screen. Using my iPhone right now.
I thought we agreed to talk slowly and use small words… preferably from the English language…?

My situation remains the same, it was no better or worse when trying it following Jerry’s prompts. It’s an issue on both Apple devices, only an issue with this site, and not an issue when I use my mobile data.

Trouble is I haven’t got a clue what all your gobbledygook means…!
N o n e e d t o k n o w w h a t i t m e a n s (slow enough? :) ). Just install the ipconfig and nlookup apps, run them, and report what happens. BTW, ipconfig might be called ifconfig on Apple products.

For those who want to understand:

1) www.accessnorton.com means nothing to to the actual network software on a computer of any type. It only understands an IP Address. An IP Address is a 32-bit number
2) The domain name service (DNS) translates names like www.accessnorton.com to the IP address of the www.accessnorton.com server. DNS runs on millions of servers in the world. Your computer talks to the IP address of a DNS server and asks for the address of www.accessnorton.com.
3) Your computer has the IP address of 1 or 2 DNS servers somewhere in the the world and it has a cache of recently used addresses itself.

An unresponsive or slow DNS server will cause problems like are being described here. If your' primary server does not respond after some number of tries, the secondary server is tried. The time between tries, the length of time to wait for a response, the number of times to try are all configurable at different locations so what normally takes 1 to 100 milliseconds can easily become 20 seconds.

If it's just being slow (taking 2-3 seconds) and you are impatient and click again, you start all over and you are adding to the problem in many ways.
Looks like the problem is definitely related to the new iPad upgrade.
Just upgraded mine and I am have issues. Constantly goes to a reload screen. Using my iPhone right now.
Not sure of the iPad terminology. If using WIFI, you might need to "forget" (delete) the network connection you have now and setup a new one like you did when you got the iPad.
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One thing I did learn when I failed miserably in further education at 40..... Unless you have even the slightest interest in the subject it will go in one ear and straight out the other... as has all of the above!!
But many thanks for putting it here :-)
I only did the Apple update on my iPad, I haven’t done an update on my iPhone. Problems started immediately after the update, and only on this Forum. I cleared my browser history and did a soft reset on my iPad. The problem still exist, although sporadically. I just posted this with my iPad, but took 3 attempts to get to this point. This is the first issue I ever had with an update so I can’t complain too much. I’m sure it will eventually get squared up.
On another note I’m glad your picking up the void in Norton parts, fortunately I haven’t needed anything recently but it’s nice to know you have some parts available.
One thing I did learn when I failed miserably in further education at 40..... Unless you have even the slightest interest in the subject it will go in one ear and straight out the other... as has all of the above!!
But many thanks for putting it here :)
I understand. Hopefully someone will care. The big problem is the more you try to simplify things like this the more you trigger the "experts" who then want to attack and take the thread where it need no go.

This month, the security requirements for most sites are changing and companies like Apple are updating to comply. This site is configured very securely. Although not indicated by the current problem, certain old versions of Safari will not work. There is really no point in me trying to explain that.

My simplified explanation of DNS leaves out that EVERY page retrieved from a web site goes through the same steps. Poorly working DNS will make you crazy! DNS can work perfectly for millions of sites and not for millions of others. It's way more complicated than I eluded to.
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