Very good news WR, time to ride now...
Back home today after Stuart at Motorvated sorted out my 961. She stopped working some months back and Stuart suggested (on some of these threads) that it could be the map sensor. So I trailered it up and had a chat about some of its other issues and issues in general about the 961. I cannot be more pleased, Stuart sorted the map sensor fitting me a second hand one (by choice) from a yamaha off ebay. Changed some relays from some unknown asia manufacturer to Bosch, fixed my warped rocker cover, sorted my cush rubbers, fitted her up with some cracking Avons front and rear, cleaned and oiled the chain, modded the oil cooler clunking issue, adjusted the oil catcher bottle, replaced some washers on my disk brakes to stainless steel, sorted my rear brake, changed the brake and clutch fluids and sorted the MOT. Several more things also. Back home on the trailer so took it for a spin and it runs sweet, cracking and popping and glad to be back with 100 kgs on top of her.
We are lucky to have Stuart and I certainly intend to be back using his superb knowledge on the 961's
Apparently it is truly ethanol free , it will still say E5 as they have to by law , saying it could contain ethanol up to 5%, its only areas a believe in the west county where they add a touch of ethanol, they are various things on line bout it & you tube probablyEsso?
I do have one sort of near I could adopt avery 130 miles. Why better than Shell V Power or BP ?
Hello WR , It must be nice having your bike back !Since the fix with the map sensor, it does start so much easier and ticks over as I guess it always should have done. Had a great ride out on sunday morning, usual pit stop Medbourne in the Leicestershire countryside and some cracking roads to test the Avons. Checked the oil once home and middle of the knurled section of the dipstick and nothing new in the catch bottle. Only hassle I had was finding suitable fuel, had to go out of my way to splash £6 of E10 in her which I need to use up soon I can fill up with V Power or similar
Apparently it is truly ethanol free , it will still say E5 as they have to by law , saying it could contain ethanol up to 5%, its only areas a believe in the west county where they add a touch of ethanol, they are various things on line bout it & you tube probably