Vith Zee Contact Breakers , firing it up on a dark overcast moonless night , with the points cover removed , can reveal much .
If you dont have a dark overcast moonless night , youll have to turn off the garage lights & shut the door .
One Strand of wire free protuding at the contact breaker connection can see you undone . OBVIOUSLY there should be No Tracking
( current flowing / spark track ) Other than AT the Contact Breaker Contacts .
Dont pull into a gas station and put your ha nd into the distributor leadfs to see if theres ' leaks ' .

Stop somewhere dark and
open the bonnet . Pays to have a flashlight with you so you dont trip over the cat . :wink:
someones probably mentioed a length of 1/8 " neopreene tube in your ear :shock: as a stethoscope ! , wandering the other end about the top end & carb / manifold joint faces you should hear
if theres any errant hissing , which signifies atmospheric interaction . That should only be occuring at the intake . If its elsewhere , its a LEAK .