Fire flake roman purple

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Rohan said:
Also in the gelcoat.

I have a pair of NOS fireflake golden bronze side covers and thought that the flakes would probably have been put into the gelcoat as well. However upon closer inspection it looks like they were applied on the ouside after de-moulding. On one of the covers there is not enough clear coat in some areas so the roughness of the flakes still comes through there.

With the exception of silver which is definitely in the gelcoat, all the stuff I've handled - Royal Blue and Golden Bronze - have been coloured flakes with a clear top-coat.

I'm fairly certain the red bikes are candy red over silver gelcoat, judging by the photos I've seen.
B+Bogus said:
I'm fairly certain the red bikes are candy red over silver gelcoat, judging by the photos I've seen.

There have been several owners of those 2-tone red and silver fastbacks here,
and the red parts were clearly a transparent red painted over a silver flake.
The red seems to be a little prone to fading, and wear, so bits of them were more silver flake than faded red flake...

Someone has also shown a green and silver 2 tone version fastback, (somewhat rare ?),
and it was similarly done ? .
The flake does look a bit thin, doesn't it. And patchy.
But is a good color match for the other one they have.

And they are listed in the spares list as available without decals, from the factory.

You always have to ask WHY they are still NOS today though ?
Was it bacause someone didn't like the paint quality back, then for some reason ?
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