Featherbed FACTS.

My mate was happy to tell me that he beat a Minnovation Seeley 750 with his RZ350 Yamaha - probably as fast as a TD3 ? To me it does not mean anything. It is all 'horses for courses', when they are stuck to the wall like flies. Have a look at Moto GP these days - where do they pass ? It is never on a straight or a long sweeping bend - usually in the tight corners.
Sorry but an RZ350 is not even close to as fast as a TD3. at least a 20 mph speed differential. And it was first built 12years later.
reynolds tubes dating stamp number its on the top endge of the top lug for the engine steady just at the back of the head stock in very small numbers a a letter you need to scrap the paint of to see anything
Just so, and as a further bit of featherbed minutiae I have recently discovered the letter E stamped on the right hand side of said engine steady lug on the frame of my 1954 Dominator. The stamping on the top of mine is M/4/54. The letter M appears on frames from different years, so possibly is not date-related. Frame number is 122 575xx.