fav artists in different genres of music?

took rod stewart and Ronnie wood to replace Marriott. never managed it. didn't have any where near the vocal range. sabbath are, were a brilliant band. musical diversity over zeppelin? never. patti smith and the like weren't even referred to as punks until the pistols et al.

Exactly. The ethos was invented in NYC. Didnt need branding or funny clothing until the UK got it's hands on it...

Diversity doesn't always = quality, but I agree with you. Nothing against LZ, just my preference.
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Best live performance .... Springsteen at Meadowlands , last go before new Stadium opened ... almost religious , saw them again on the road ,just before the Big Man passed , something missing .... Eagles were awesome once they got JW , they too did a great live show .... also I’m a big fan of some local bands which I have enjoyed these past 50 years , most gone now but some still Rocking and singing the Blues ....
Take no offense but limeys made available most of the best I ever listened to(still), smoked to, traveled to, relaxed with, enjoyed, and all else... Played like heathens & did sing like angels, Though most when just speaking had such heavy regional accents I had to really pay attention to comprehend…. My favorite brews & scooters come from their area also, as well as the early Jethro Tull I enjoy so much..... Now you went and done it.... house empty today...Time to fire up the hifi I only look at these days and refresh memories since I've ripped my primary apart and am awaiting parts. You guys have saved my day from boredom.
best live performance? slade. reading 1980. followed by rory Gallagher then zep, Knebworth 79 that ive seen. maiden were pretty good too. oh, and todd rugdren …………….lol. could go on for ever
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Take no offense but limeys made available most of the best I ever listened to(still), smoked to, traveled to, relaxed with, enjoyed, and all else... Played like heathens & did sing like angels, Though most when just speaking had such heavy regional accents I had to really pay attention to comprehend…. My favorite brews & scooters come from their area also, as well as the early Jethro Tull I enjoy so much..... Now you went and done it.... house empty today...Time to fire up the hifi I only look at these days and refresh memories since I've ripped my primary apart and am awaiting parts. You guys have saved my day from boredom.
Jethro tull. now we're talking folk rock at its best
JB ,Thought you would be a Winter’s fan or at least Elvin Bishop and Waylon ....
Listen to Rod with Jeff Beck on his album Truth. Bloody marvellous. I went to see ? Marriott at JB's in Dudley, unfortunately he was a no show, it was the weekend his house went up in smoke, with him. Terrible loss of talent.
No one has mentioned Pink Floyd.... Always liked them in the wee hours with a saucy tart.... Yep, got Winter too... Old favorite. Regret his passing.
Like Bishop, though have none of his work.
No one has mentioned Pink Floyd.... Always liked them in the wee hours with a saucy tart.... Yep, got Winter too... Old favorite. Regret his passing.
Like Bishop, though have none of his work.
Saw them 1994 in Pittsburgh,Division Bell tour. Took son and daughter, 12 and 10. We had seats about 2nd base 3 River Stadium. It was a show none of us will ever forget.