EV drawbacks

Everybody has an opinion and a right to an opinion
Do your opinions just happen to be the same as mainstream that we are fed?
Or are you influenced by them ?
For example if mainstream said father Christmas was real would you believe that or make your own mind up?
Mainstream opinion currently is that there’s no such thing as a woman.

As a man with a wife and two daughters, that’s not a belief I subscribe to, no matter how many dance to the media tune !

But the bottom line is this: whoever is pulling these strings is sadly winning, free thinkers, and speakers, are a dying breed…
Mainstream opinion currently is that there’s no such thing as a woman.

As a man with a wife and two daughters, that’s not a belief I subscribe to, no matter how many dance to the media tune !

But the bottom line is this: whoever is pulling these strings is sadly winning, free thinkers, and speakers, are a dying breed…
The thing that puzzles me with the woman/man thing is we all know the truth but are not allowed to say it
Our children are being taught to believe in some really strange things
Everybody has an opinion and a right to an opinion
Do your opinions just happen to be the same as mainstream that we are fed?
Or are you influenced by them ?
For example if mainstream said father Christmas was real would you believe that or make your own mind up?
I’m influenced by what I see, read, hear and personally experience Baz, the same as we all are. Difficult to be an ‘original thinker‘ in modern society of course, in an all pervasive, 24hr media/news/opinion saturated environment.

Even more so when certain sources are purposefully impregnated with disinformation and misinformation - from post truth to outright factual fabrication and fantasy! ‘Wheat from chaff’ is a difficult proposition. Bad news, controversy, embellishment and conspiracy sell way better than conventional news.

I have tried very hard to satisfy myself where the reality lies and form my opinions accordingly (no doubt you have done the same). They are predominantly, although not entirely, mainstream.

For example, I believe that man has had a significant detrimental influence on climate/environment and that action is required. I have reservations about some modelling/projections (and certainly some legislation) but believe the overall premise of the need for action to be justified.

The world is acting on it. Not (I believe) for ulterior (read corrupted) motives or because the scientific advice received is flawed or compromised in some way. There are always outliers of course and those seeking to benefit financially or otherwise.

The vast majority of society believe that action is required - governments are voted in and out on that premise; it is therefore mainstream opinion by definition. I realise that there are many (many) avenues to shoot holes in that rationale but at the very least, surely, we can accept that it is mainstream for a reason. And that reason may be because it holds some credibility.

The usual accusations levelled at the majority - you know, those without enquiring minds AKA ‘the sheeple’ - are just lazy, convenient commentary. Some might view your example of Father Christmas as being in that category - no offence intended.
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This is the obvious solution and one that I personally find unpalatable. I believe there is an overall plan that involves travel and leisure for the elites and cramped living spaces, push bikes and bug sandwiches for the little people.
Who are ’the elites’ in this scenario?
Who are ’the elites’ in this scenario?
I'd consider the transport minister that has stated we need to move away from private vehicle ownership
Or indeed Sadiq Khan mayor of London who drives around in a £300.00 armoured range rover with no ulez charge whilst the bloke or woman going to work on a 20 year old Honda 50 has to pay £12.50 per day
Or £25 per day to go to work if they do shift work as many nurses do IE working class people
I'd hazard a guess the Honda has a smaller carbon footprint ?
Because the majority believe it so, does not make it truth. The majority once believed the earth flat, the earth the center of the universe, and so on.

In today's world, the majority are groomed and shaped......in short, they are told what to believe, for the benefit of those who control such grooming.

I focus on the signal....and not the noise that so many foolishly except


  • EV drawbacks
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Why is it mainly the young who are passionate about the climate ‘emergency’?

Because they are concerned about their future?

Well yes, but also because they haven’t been around long enough to have seen various equally certain ‘end of the world’ doomsday predictions that have come and gone, all without doomsday arriving.

Nor have they seen the changing, often contradictory themes ALL of which were proven by ‘science’. We had cooling trends proven by science (right up to the 70s) with predictions of a world ending ice age. Yet now we’re told that in that same time period, we have proven warming trends.

Here’s a taster of some of those ‘doom fads’ that came and went…

We saw some of that in the general comments in the news etc when electricity prices rose to the point of making EVs more expensive to run than petrol, suddenly many virtuous EV drivers were having second thoughts !

But to be fair, I believe that many people would think differently if they really believed their money was going, in full, to green causes. I think people are simply tired of what they perceive to be yet more stealth taxes.
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We saw some of that in the general comments in the news etc when electricity prices rose to the point of making EVs more expensive to run than petrol, suddenly many virtuous EV drivers were having second thoughts !

But to be fair, I believe that many people would think differently if they really believed their money was going, in full, to green causes. I think people are simply tiered of what they perceive to be yet more stealth taxes.
During the tender process for the Olympic games held in London you absolutely had to have a green policy
IE different waste products in different bins etc etc
I personally saw those individual bins being emptied into one bin that went on the waste truck
Not something I saw online,read in a paper or heard about but personally witnessed
During the tender process for the Olympic games held in London you absolutely had to have a green policy
IE different waste products in different bins etc etc
I personally saw those individual bins being emptied into one bin that went on the waste truck
Not something I saw online,read in a paper or heard about but personally witnessed
Been that way for decades.
The thing that puzzles me with the woman/man thing is we all know the truth but are not allowed to say it
Our children are being taught to believe in some really strange things
Do not include ME in that casual use of the word "our" (children).

MY children are taught 70's Biology, and generally conservative values. What they learn in government indoctrination centers is refuted almost daily at home in general discussion, and they typically acknowledge the reality in the same conversation or within a few minutes of calm debate and researching facts that haven't changed in millennia (up until this last generation reached "awareness").
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Do not include ME in that casual use of the word "our" (children).

MY children are taught 70's Biology, and generally conservative values. What they learn in government indoctrination centers is refuted almost daily at home in general discussion, and they typically acknowledge the reality in the same conversation or within a few minutes of calm debate and researching facts that haven't changed in millennia.
A workmate of mine has been telling me what his two daughters were being taught at school in a certain lesson
After a massive battle with the school he has pulled them out of the lessons because they are not age appropriate,not for a normal family anyway
Why is it mainly the young who are passionate about the climate ‘emergency’?

Because they are concerned about their future?

Well yes, but also because they haven’t been around long enough to have seen various equally certain ‘end of the world’ doomsday predictions that have come and gone, all without doomsday arriving.

Nor have they seen the changing, often contradictory themes ALL of which were proven by ‘science’. We had cooling trends proven by science (right up to the 70s) with predictions of a world ending ice age. Yet now we’re told that in that same time period, we have proven warming trends.

Here’s a taster of some of those ‘doom fads’ that came and went…

Having lived through these predictions is does make you more cynical
And I can forgive the youf of today to a degree for being taken in by the current extreme ideology
But the adults????
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Rick deals with the exploration of asexuality but it also shows the usage of pronouns when Rick meets other kids at his school who are also on the LGBTQIAP+ spectrum. He feels less alone and this helps his questioning process. This book is very informative about asexuality and its spectrum.21/04/2020
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