I agree with much of what you say
I've said before it'd be nice to hear from the other side rather than preaching to the converted
Personally I think EVs have their place but I don't believe at the moment they are the answer that people are lead to believe
We have 7 years to go until the sale of new fossil burners are banned
So fossil burners will die out shortly after that and we are relying on technology catching up if EVs are to replace them
All this with a cut of 30% in public transport in recent years
And a power grid that only just coped last year with demand something magical will have to happen in the next few years
Germany have come badly unstuck and are re opening coal mines
To me an enquiring mind is one that isn't made up
But in the UK if you speak out or question anything mainstream you are labelled a conspiracy theorist and shut down/cancelled
People are afraid to speak out
Although gradually some scientists are starting to speak out
Only time will tell
One thing I have heard is that even the most radical tin foil hat wearers say they hope they are wrong
Agreed, issues relating to time frames, development, introduction, sustainment and acceptance of EV’s is fraught with problems/challenges across the board. Not unexpected given the scale of the undertaking. Finding something to criticise is like shooting fish in a barrel - with an RPG!
An easier path for early adopters with savvy governance and a progressive thinking populous. More difficult for those playing catch up, with short term government thinking (like Aus) and potentially impossible for some developing countries (and why should they suffer/stay in poverty - the problem was caused by developed countries).
The intent though is a huge net reduction of ‘global’ CO2 emissions within a specified timeframe. Along with emission reduction requirements with coal, oil and gas & methane/HFC’s etc. Countries need to get onboard with alternative (incl renewables) or failure is assured. Including nuclear IMO.
Timeframes to the banning of new sales of ICE vehicle seem
very optimistic to me also - you would expect those timeframes to slip where governments find unsurmountable difficulties. Thankfully I’d expect ICE vehicles to be with us for decades to come and no doubt that puts one of many obstacles in the way of net zero targets.
Despite ever developing EV technology (incl batteries) I see EV’s being just part of the technology mix. Others will undoubtably follow alongside EV tech, maybe even partly replacing it prior net zero target dates.
None of this is new or radical thinking - it is all mainstream. Challenging mainstream thinking is both healthy and necessary but, IMO, it’s gotta have a basis of credibility, be informed by good science and be delivered from a credible source. The underlying assumption of rampant corruption at all levels of governance and established science is just a cop out. The adoption of victimhood (they’re out to get we the common folk) just plain delusional.