madass is correct, holes with a depth of less than 1" do not require a draft angle although it is not standard practice to specify draft angle for each individual feature of a casting. Do other features on the hub share the 4 degree draft angle with the cush drive holes?
There was a company in Spain or Italy making nice cush hubs with separate sprockets and I think even 2 piece sprockets. They quit making them about 5 years ago but it was the same company that made Kenny Dreer's cush hubs. He had the last ones available. They seemed like a great product. Anyone got photos of a Kenny Dreer hub?
Could it be that while you're typing your answer your ISP cuts your internet connection so that when you try to send your message the forum asks for a new login?
no, that doesnt seem to happen, when I submit my post, it says its submitted, but a minute later when I check
there is no post as if I never posted it, happened twice on this thread,
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