Partial reply so to speak on this.
Differential tester is inop so on its way for repair. I simply went to TDC and put 90 psi on it.
There is leakage past the rings, you can not only hear it but you can hear it pass on out through
the Jim breather to the oil tank and then out the oil tank vent tube.
However, I noticed no weepage or blowby of any kind in the seal area and the primary is entirely
stripped so I can observe it all carefully.
Yes I ran in the small primary inner retaining bolts before testing.
The bike has impressive compression at the kicker but without a diff test it doesnt mean much.
When doing airplanes you can back off TDC just a wee bit (lot of leverage using the prop) and
then push the pot up against compression and seat the rings more thoroughly at times. We used
80 pounds as a standard.
When the bike starts, usually wet sumped, you can see the breather valve pumping oil up and out
into the tank until it and the oil pump remove most of the oil. I don't see the valve being a problem
at this point.
Oh, the oil is certainly coming from the crankcase if not 110% sure it is the seal yet. Im using a TTI
box and it doesnt leak at all so far. The dry belt is why I spotted the oil to begin with, it is always in
the front of the primary and then migrates along the bottom of the giant o ring.
Im not yanking out the crank seal until Im sure this is the problem. Guessing is good for starters but I
need to be sure of what I know and what I dont know. It might be useful to fill the crankcase with oil and
introduce a light over pressure to it and see if it wiggles out the seal.
Ill add insult to injury and tell you the Royal Enfield fired first kick and I went out to put on 80+ trouble
free miles in 40F degree weather!. English bikes love the chill.
Ill get back to the list on this probably in a few weeks. Thanks for the help it is appreciated.