Commando prices...

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I have a 750 project for sale here in LA and I didn’t think I was out of line with my asking price ($2300) but I obviously am way off as I have had just a single inquiry over the past couple of weeks. I also have an N15 project for sale with not a single bite.
Where are they listed for sale?
I would never part out a bike. In fact, I have done the opposite; I've created at least 4 rolling projects with decent rebuildable core parts (chassis, engine & wheels), and built up another SIX Commandos to very decent running bikes right from scratch.

I do not begrudge anyone the free right to part out a bike, but it just doesn't "feel" right to me .

Where I take exception, but still of course cannot deny the person's free right, is when it is a NUMBERS MATCHING ORIGINAL that is being parted out. I have to admit, I once bought a frame and engine just to keep them together. I lost money on that deal, and if I were still buying and selling, I'd do it again.
When all said and done, the ONLY reason something, anything, won’t sell is that it’s over priced...
No, there are times when there just happen to be no interested buyers. Re-listing at a later date, at the same price, has resulted in sales a bit later. I never give up on the first failure.

(or the second)
No, there are times when there just happen to be no interested buyers. Re-listing at a later date, at the same price, has resulted in sales a bit later. I never give up on the first failure.

(or the second)

I agree but it’s a separate point. At THAT time, it was too expensive for the market it was offered to, simple as that.

If you don’t believe me, think about it from the opposite perspective, if that ‘complete Commando project’ was for sale at $50 would it sell? Of course it would!

That proves that it will sell IF the price is low enough. But if it’s too low for the seller, there is no sale.
I agree with FastEd - if something won't sell, it's overpriced. change and something that is "overpriced" today may not be next year OR vise versa. About four years ago a particular car market jumped literally overnight to almost double their existing prices. But today the same cars are back down. In specific numbers - $50-55,000 in '08 through '14; 110-120k in 15/16; now around 60-65k.

It is true that if you are willing to wait long enough, a buyer might show up at the "overpriced" amount. And, of course, if you just want to stick a price on with the idea that if someone meets it, you'll sell and if they don't you won't, that's fine. But that, to me, is not really 'trying to sell' an item. As has often been stated, EVERYTHING I own is for sale if someone offers enough money. But generally if the object is to sell an item, it has to be, as they say, priced to sell. If it is, it will.

With less and less interest in these old bikes "priced to sell" will likely drop for the average Commando. But as most people here would say, "Who cares?" I didn't buy my Commando to make any money; in fact, it appears I bought it to get rid of some! :)
I had a guy who worked for me whose mother was an estate agent. He told me she could sell anything. When I asked how she did it he said she knew at what price it would sell.
If you have to sell then the price has to be attractive. If you are not in a hurry then you can wait and relist. You will probably get a better price.
Another thing to remember is the time of year. Selling in the autumn is less likely then in springtime.

Whoouuuuu the first,Yamaha 750 TX,a huge mechanical catastrophe like there never was with Norton even with the combat:D.
Once the updates were done, they run quite reliably. LOTS of misinformation floats about still. I had one in high school, and this is the one I got ten years ago.
Commando prices...
Commando prices...
Always thought they would be an interesting bike to have despite running that hot pipe in front of the head!
Had a buddy with one and he liked it a lot. Wasn't a bad bike at all. Just NAN, but his didn't require much attention to keep rolling reliably.
Alan you a stylin’ dude , nice bike too , think I have seen it somewhere previous .... still looks right !
We settled the Norton $$ related topic awhile ago. If I'm not mistaken, everyone agreed to send their bikes my way once they stopped riding them...

Let's take a moment to enjoy the gentle meandering thoughts of like-minded individuals.
It's called're exhibiting the symptoms because you're hanging with a bunch of old farts who forgot what they were talking about.
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