Commando High Speed Stability

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auldblue said:
kerinorton said:
Anyway highlander " there can be only one..........that fits , Arai......the last lid you will ever wear.
Nice to know your on your last helmet, I plan to wear out a few more. I was told once that your helmet should not be more than 10 years old. If you have a $1.00 head then by all means use a $1 helmet.
Happy Nortoning, BTW I would like to ride a Norton round Scotland. Never had time with my BAND on any of my other trips. regards, Dereck

Kerinorton ,have you met me somewhere, this guy has!
Commando High Speed Stability

What I ment by that was if your ever needin a bike you can have a lend of my 69, as phil would say it's had a cockortwo screwing her round the twisties, so one more makes no nevermind, if it breaks , you just fix it.

Is Dereck in a band? What do they call themselves?
pete.v just phoned me, says around another 15 pages and this tag team has DogT's record in the bag. Crank em up boy, we're nearly half way there!!

concours said:
Over at there is a section called "JoMomma" it may be a great place to continue to grow this thread. You gotta register to view it. :P

Cool photos concours. I didn't see any Nortons in there but certainly a few beemers. I guess folk tend not to go too far afield on Commandos too often. I know I don't. Never get off it but never go too far either. You might be right, that forum could well do with Commando input.

p15 is getting close!!

Cheers guys

kerinorton said:
Anyway highlander " there can be only one..........that fits , Arai......the last lid you will ever wear.
Nice to know your on your last helmet, I plan to wear out a few more. I was told once that your helmet should not be more than 10 years old. If you have a $1.00 head then by all means use a $1 helmet.
Happy Nortoning, BTW I would like to ride a Norton round Scotland. Never had time with my BAND on any of my other trips. regards, Dereck

If you do the tour ,you could maybe get some high speed tests in. The roads are quite dodgy in places I will give you my lid to wear, Band , solo is best.
I am sorry if I have caused offence to anyone on this forum , no one on this forum has caused me any offence by their words or pictures , but occasionally I have peed myself laughing .
Re high speed testing in the wet.

I thought this had been settled phil, 19 on the rear. Think the 69 bikes 10 yo super venom has had it( it looks like a threepenny bit) taking a new 100/90 of a morad and fitting it to the rear in the meantime there is a storm brewing , thunder, lightning and heavy rain , think it could be THE fifty year one and I want to ride it . Got to go and set the tyre pressures and rear shock this is going to be one hell of a buzz mate.I love the storm riding ,worst was coming back from Spa, all the cars had pulled to the side of the road only the big trucks and us was moving .Talk about soaked to the ball roots.
Oh by the way I said to Gary what you said about him being dead he said " tell him to forget it, even if I was dead, he's no getting my r100". Sorry buddy
Commando High Speed Stability

I know Duke, but old Dollar has just had new shoes.
auldblue said:
Re high speed testing in the wet.

I thought this had been settled phil, 19 on the rear. Think the 69 bikes 10 yo super venom has had it( it looks like a threepenny bit) taking a new 100/90 of a morad and fitting it to the rear in the meantime there is a storm brewing , thunder, lightning and heavy rain , think it could be THE fifty year one and I want to ride it . Got to go and set the tyre pressures and rear shock this is going to be one hell of a buzz mate.I love the storm riding ,worst was coming back from Spa, all the cars had pulled to the side of the road only the big trucks and us was moving .Talk about soaked to the ball roots.
Oh by the way I said to Gary what you said about him being dead he said " tell him to forget it, even if I was dead, he's no getting my r100". Sorry buddy
Commando High Speed Stability

I know Duke, but old Dollar has just had new shoes.

Settled it is. I hadn't even considered wet whether variables. Weather they have any effect or not I wetha, sorry, wonder. I shall report further as information comes to hand, PM might be the better form of communication. It might be one or a number of variables causing these subtle handling variations. Or none.


and I have just discovered that using "edit" I can keep adding information to the same post whilst not in fact responding to anyone or anything. How cool is that? And no, Les didn't give me this tip.

After days of near 0C temps, today was the first day with some relief with the gauge climbing above 10C. Unfortunately it is Sunday, a day of rest for all but me. I took the opportunity to head out to the magic mile and do some planning regarding high speed stability tests. I was on the Fastback today as I avoid where possible riding the Roadster on a Sunday. It's not registered and increased tourist traffic on our country roads and lanes can make things tricky. Other days, I run the risk with short local bursts. But for the trials, well I'll just take the risk. The Roadster is going onto club plates but the formalities are still being processed.

The magic mile is preceded to the north by a sweeping left hand bend usually taken at around 60mph then it's WOT for the flat run. 100mph comes up very quickly but for those a bit tender and slow to go WOT, there is plenty of distance ahead, including ample braking area before winding into the left hander to the south. Some thirsty test pilots keep going and within a few minutes arrive at the Berrima pub.

Photo 1 looking south down the magic mile.
Photo 2 looking north from the end of the magic mile.
Photo 3 pits and preparation area.

The only issue in all of this is running into the cops halfway down "the magic". We used to just keep going flat chat but these days with cameras, radars etc it's all over red rover. You hop off your bike and hand over your licence. Other than that, you won't find a safer piece of public road for speed testing.



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phil yates said:
auldblue said:
kerinorton said:
Anyway highlander " there can be only one..........that fits , Arai......the last lid you will ever wear.
Nice to know your on your last helmet, I plan to wear out a few more. I was told once that your helmet should not be more than 10 years old. If you have a $1.00 head then by all means use a $1 helmet.
Happy Nortoning, BTW I would like to ride a Norton round Scotland. Never had time with my BAND on any of my other trips. regards, Dereck

Kerinorton ,have you met me somewhere, this guy has!
Commando High Speed Stability

What I ment by that was if your ever needin a bike you can have a lend of my 69, as phil would say it's had a cockortwo screwing her round the twisties, so one more makes no nevermind, if it breaks , you just fix it.

Is Dereck in a band? What do they call themselves?

yup, but not the same one I was in in the 70"s and 80"s I remember hiring cars in Scotland in those days. Know what the roads are/were like. esp on the west coast and Skye. maybe they are better now. wouldn't mind doing a ride round again, esp on a commando but the leanometer would not go with me on the bike.
regards, Dereck
phil yates said:
auldblue said:

Was talking to one of the big wheeler boys about your outfit and how you were enjoying it. He is planning to make a r100 rs think 1980 into a road outfit. He was asking what you had,said I wasn't sure. They are racing at Darnley moor next weekend ,not Gary though he is waiting for a new hip after their smash at the T.T. 2013. He thinks he'll be ok with three wheels as he can't really stop too well on account that he is fcuked up, but he is truly mental on a bike, broke his back also three month with no feeling in his legs ,that was on a triumph bonneville. Anyway he says he'll take you out for a spin when your over in 2015 .

Happy days J

Mine is a 1984 R65 with Inder rocket chair. This is a light weight unit or rig and yes it is exceptional fun, especially chair in the air cornering (left handers, same as for you). The R65 has one of the most cammy engines I've experienced, and very smooth. I would have thought a Commando frame would not handle a chair but hobot had photos of some. But to me, Commandos are like temperamental race horses that need constant attention. Beemers just tend to go and go and I'd hop on mine tomorrow and ride to Perth just to have a beer with olChris.

Any chance your mate might kill himself before I get to Scotland?


BMW's sure are good touring bikes....
Commando High Speed Stability

The R65 is not really 'cammy' it has the same cam timing as the larger ones , just shorter stroke, but they spin out nicely and handle pretty well with the shorter wheelbase and non leading forks.
Can't say I'd be keen to take my Commando round the track ...all those overworked bits flailing around trying to get out.

Is Dereck in a band? What do they call themselves?

yup, but not the same one I was in in the 70"s and 80"s I remember hiring cars in Scotland in those days. Know what the roads are/were like. esp on the west coast and Skye. maybe they are better now. wouldn't mind doing a ride round again, esp on a commando but the leanometer would not go with me on the bike.
regards, Dereck[/quote]

It took me a year to learn how to play Greensleeves on the piano, and not very well at that. I guess you aren't looking for an Ozzie piano player? I think it's great to see folk out there living life and enjoying their passions. Those of us around the 60 vintage really did have a privileged time of it. Not all beer and skittles of course, Vietnam etc, but it was indeed a new world with a fresh spirit. Enter our Commandos that really were innovative and brought a new meaning to large capacity motorcycles from England. Okay, then they all fell apart and 40 years on we're still arguing fixes. But it's sure kept us busy and has been a lot of fun!

72Combat said:
phil yates said:
auldblue said:

Was talking to one of the big wheeler boys about your outfit and how you were enjoying it. He is planning to make a r100 rs think 1980 into a road outfit. He was asking what you had,said I wasn't sure. They are racing at Darnley moor next weekend ,not Gary though he is waiting for a new hip after their smash at the T.T. 2013. He thinks he'll be ok with three wheels as he can't really stop too well on account that he is fcuked up, but he is truly mental on a bike, broke his back also three month with no feeling in his legs ,that was on a triumph bonneville. Anyway he says he'll take you out for a spin when your over in 2015 .

Happy days J

Mine is a 1984 R65 with Inder rocket chair. This is a light weight unit or rig and yes it is exceptional fun, especially chair in the air cornering (left handers, same as for you). The R65 has one of the most cammy engines I've experienced, and very smooth. I would have thought a Commando frame would not handle a chair but hobot had photos of some. But to me, Commandos are like temperamental race horses that need constant attention. Beemers just tend to go and go and I'd hop on mine tomorrow and ride to Perth just to have a beer with olChris.

Any chance your mate might kill himself before I get to Scotland?


BMW's sure are good touring bikes....
Commando High Speed Stability

The R65 is not really 'cammy' it has the same cam timing as the larger ones , just shorter stroke, but they spin out nicely and handle pretty well with the shorter wheelbase and non leading forks.
Can't say I'd be keen to take my Commando round the track ...all those overworked bits flailing around trying to get out.

I say feels cammy in the sense that it really winds out quickly above 4000rpm. Probably though just the short stroke being the reason. I can live with that explanation. Most free revving Beemer I've ever had and I just can't stop riding this bloody rig. I'm sure a Commando also would be a hoot with a chair but I still see my Commandos as solo sports machines. My MkIII not so much so, being more of a relaxed machine than earlier Commandos. But no slouch either!!

I've had the rig up over 70mph and am becoming a real specialist at lifting the empty chair in high speed corners. It is a rewarding skill. I was going to have a glance for an appropriate forum but then thought no, they really wouldn't need me. Jeez I'd hate to be Les, awake 24/7 with his finger paused over the delete button every time I post.

NEVER instruct your girlfriend from the chair, how to drive the rig!



  • Commando High Speed Stability
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Well phil and olChris

You were right about the pants!

By the way , am I chucked now, I took youse to the title and now you don't need me! You were nothing before you met me , riding Vespas and getting your hair cut at Ralph's.
auldblue said:
Well phil and olChris

You were right about the pants!

By the way , am I chucked now, I took youse to the title and now you don't need me! You were nothing before you met me , riding Vespas and getting your hair cut at Ralph's.

Not Ralph's.

I did once ride a Vespa actually, doing a mail delivery run. What a horrible bit of kit that was. High speed stability? It didn't have either!

L.A.B. said:
phil yates said:
Jeez I'd hate to be Les, awake 24/7 with his finger paused over the delete button every time I post.

Commando High Speed Stability

Phil says you stay up all night doing what a man has to do. I live with my sister Mary next door to Phil. Why don't you drop in and see us sometime? We won't hurt you, promise.


  • Commando High Speed Stability
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Jenny says she wishes she had a delete button like you. She wants one with explosives in it!

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