Hi Guys,
Wanted to comment on the brake fluid used for our Brembo brake systems.
When we initially developed the kit together with Brembo North America in 2000, our build #019 was the first bike to get it, we were told to use DOT5 in the system. Yes, even the master cylinder cap said DOT 3 or 4, but we went with their recomendation. As a matter of fact we did talk about it years later as well since customers were questioning the instructions on the master cylinder cap.
Bottom line is this. The Brembo kit we offer is designed to operate perfectly with the DOT 5 fluid. Master cylinder, brake line and caliper are all ok with this fluid.
Brembo, arguably the premier manufacturer of brake systems in the world, dont just change things on a whim. They often need to get a certain amount of time with their product before making official changes.
Having said that. All the master cylinders we get today have the 'new' Brembo cap that says ' Use only 3-5 fluid from a sealed container'.
So all of those that are currently using a CNW brake system have nothing to worry about. If for any reason somebody would rather use 3 or 4....well that works to.