Chrome K&N oil filter

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Unsure but make sure it is not the K&N type with the welded on hex nut. These have a long history of failing on different bikes/cars at the tack weld points and spewing oil over the rear wheel. Guy on the TRat forum trashed his Bonneville engine when that filter failed. K&N did cover it under their website guarantee a few years ago.
Just use a filter wrench, not the hex nut.
Well, yes. Of course! But why should it be an issue at all. Get rid of the welded-on nut. No brainer. Or
just buy the filter of a reputable brand and avoid the K&M filter. Simple. And who really needs a chrome oil
filter anyway? How manly is that? Just sayin'
Just use a filter wrench, not the hex nut.
Whether you touch the hex during installation or not, they have been known to fail anyway. The boxes of them in local shops here actually called them "wrench off" hex nuts and try to instruct buyers not to use it for installing. A very odd situation, can you think of any nut or bolt that is meant to be used in only one direction?

Its a solution in search of a problem...sort of what some here say applies to the AWS valves ;-)


  • Chrome K&N oil filter
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Well, yes. Of course! But why should it be an issue at all. Get rid of the welded-on nut. No brainer. Or
just buy the filter of a reputable brand and avoid the K&M filter. Simple. And who really needs a chrome oil
filter anyway? How manly is that? Just sayin'
Bought my filter by numbers and didn’t have any idea what it looked like or that it had a hex nut. Nothing unmanly about it. I’ll expect your apology soonest.
I learnt a long time ago through folly and error that oil filters should be fitted 'by hand' only, no tools necessary. As long as the mating surfaces are clean and oiled, an oily hand helps too, to avoid over tightening...
As for getting the b*ggers off, mind you, different story entirely.....
Another option for a chrome filter is:

Wix 57013 (Chrome), I use the NAPA equivalent ( NAPA GOLD OIL FILTER Part # FIL 7013)
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