Carb cleaning

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Apr 21, 2015
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What's the best method for cleaning carbs, if possible, Australian product recommendations please David
Carb cleaner and air is your best friend and a thin wire.

Pilot jet needs #78 or 16 thou drill as no chemical can clean that jet, it's just too small.
I picked up a small ultrasonic cleaner from Jaycar a year or two back, when they had a sale.
Seems to do a good job although i would still manually check the pilot jet.
And you need to come at the pilot jet from the float bowl end with the thin wire. That’s the side of the jet where the crud builds up, in my experience at any rate.
Very satisfying when you get them working though.
I would imagine you can get that or something equivalent in OZ. I think the best way is to completely dismantle the carb and clean each part with carb cleaner and compressed air. Replace jets as needed. Check/reset the float height.
You need to verify flow through EVERY passage, or risk re-doing it (some people SEVERAL TIMES.)
I use fine wire plucked from wirebrush, held with needle nose pliers, (in addition the pilot sized mounted drill bit)
Then aerosol brakecleaner, OBSERVE THE STREAM, concentric, symmetrical. (Of course, don’t “shoot your eye out”).

EDIT: The Brakleen is not meant to replace carb cleaner, but rather, a cheap aerosol passage test tool.
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Vapor blast the exterior for a nice finish. An "E" guitar string is great for negotiating the passages. Two cans of GumOut carb cleaner and spray, spray, spray!

Be absolutely sure your tank, petcock, in-line filters, and fuel lines are absent of any particulate. It really is important you do not introduce anything back into the carb.
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