The thread title is " Can electronic ignitions do this?", in reference to a Joe Hunt equiped engine being turned at 100 rpm and producing a good spark. Is it safe to assume JS sells these?
For absolute ease of starting the very best ignition has to be good old points and coils. I can hand start both Vincent 1000s fitted with those. The one fitted with the standard series D single point system isn't quite as easy as the one fitted with converted Norton Commando twin point twin coil ignition. I don't know what the RPM is but it's certainly less than 100. A lot less. I'm barely turning them over when they fire up.
I have tried hand starting my other smaller cc bikes with EI and no luck there.
The 650 BSA with its rebuilt Lucas is a good starter now, but not good enough to hand start.
So, going by the thread title, I take the inference that an ignition that produces spark at low speed is a very desirable thing, perhaps worth shelling out some big $ for.
Well guess what, if that is the measure of a fantastic ignition, there's no need to spend anything if you still have the stock ignition in place. You might want to spruce up the ATD, those do wear out eventually.
For my own needs, I really can't find much difference between any of the ignition types, I like them all provided the bikes start with 1 kick most of the time. The mag, the EI and the points all offer that kind of starting.
The EI ignitions and the mag like a healthy kick.
With the points bike you can be really lazy and just drop the leg, the starting is very low effort. Same result though, 1 kick to fire up.
Performance wise- I'm not sure there's anything in it between any of them.
A really fancy ignition might be something like Spinal Tap's guitar amps that go to 11 " for that extra push off the cliff"
This is the bike with Norton Commando points.
I won't be fitting an electric starter.... ever. One Vincent owner in the UK thought it had EStart as he was on the left when the bike started and he didn't notice me kick starting, since it can be done while sitting on the seat talking.