Can anyone identify this M/C sleeve kit?

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Jul 20, 2009
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My master cylinder was re-sleeved 10 years ago by Fare Spares. Awhile back, the front brake began to drag, generating enough heat to damage the caliper. I ended up replacing the caliper, adding new SS pistons, and seals. It seemed to solve the problem, but shortly the front brake refused to release again. This time, I traced the problem to the M/C. I know little about M/C sleeving, but this kit appears to just slip in, so I don’t believe any drilling was done on the stock body. I’d like to either obtain new parts for this setup, or as a last resort, send it out to be reworked. Can anyone identify this kit? Alternately, can someone recommend the best place to have this work done?


My master cylinder was re-sleeved 10 years ago by Fare Spares. Awhile back, the front brake began to drag, generating enough heat to damage the caliper. I ended up replacing the caliper, adding new SS pistons, and seals. It seemed to solve the problem, but shortly the front brake refused to release again. This time, I traced the problem to the M/C. I know little about M/C sleeving, but this kit appears to just slip in, so I don’t believe any drilling was done on the stock body. I’d like to either obtain new parts for this setup, or as a last resort, send it out to be reworked. Can anyone identify this kit? Alternately, can someone recommend the best place to have this work done?


Over 46 years best thing to do is upgrade to a new MC and brake system, after many rebuilds and re sleeve kit in the 46 years of owning my Norton and after my front brake failed without warning and while recovering I up graded my whole front brake system and was the best thing I ever done that was 10 years ago for a complete upgrade was under $600 and now have brakes as good as my modern Triumphs, the original front discs weren't up to it 46 years ago and as they get older they get worst, a lot carry on about original looks but having a full modern brake system that works as it should and really my life is worth every $$$ I have spent on my front brake, there are many great up grade kits around, I went for the full Grimica up grade from RGM as the price was right for me at the time.
One day your original brake will let you down in a big way and without warning, when mine did I was lucky it was a slow speed accident and got a broken arm and thumb out of it could have been a lot worst and now have perfect front brake even using one finger on the lever.

You could try FairSparesNewEngland
He bought the business from Phil Raeford in California
Nice guy and hope he does well
I think he is in Massachusetts
I have had two sleeved MCs fail. One failed overnight in the garage - front brake fine yesterday, lever to handlebar/no brake today. The second time was on the road between stoplights in town - front brake fine at first stop light, several blocks later, at second light, lever to bar, NO front brake. :eek:

Second failure was considerably more exciting than the first.

Well, you know the old saying, "Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on ME!" So that was the end of sleeved MCs for me. I would take that kit and toss it in the nearest trash can. ;)
Pretty sure Fred got them from Miles Classic Brake. He would not sell individual parts. I had one on my bike for years, but now went to an AN unit and happy with it.
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Pretty sure Fred got them from Miles Classic Brake. He would not sell individual parts. I had one on my bike for years, but now went to an AN unit and happy with it.
Russ, so your AN M/C is the one that is manufactured with a 13mm bore? Pricy, but may be the best solution if I want to say original (which I do). Is there anyone who distributes these in the U.S.?
Well they are not exactly "as original" in that there is a cast "AN" on it. But close enough for me.
I go to Greg Marsh in VA for all Andover parts. I used to buy direct from Andover Norton but we need to support our local dealers. They are disappearing.
Any opinions on the cNw Brembo M/C (retaining the Lockheed caliper), vs the AN unit? Both are 13mm, and to retain the switchgear with the Brembo, you need his custom bracket. Not exactly a stock look. With a new braided line and bracket, his setup is about $400. I just wonder if the braking action is any better than the AN unit, considering it’s the same ratio and that I’d be keeping my Lockheed caliper.
Perhaps you can remove the sleeve and clear the tiny, tiny bleed hole in the bottom of the bore, thus saving the MC and switchgear with an new piston, cups etc.

A 13mm MC bore will give you more force, of course but you're still limited by the known issues of the Lockheed caliper, which include but are not limited to, needing stainless pistons at this late date (which I see you've already done); the difficulty of getting the piston retainers out, particularly is the caliper has been exposed to anything that will cause electrolysis between the retainer and body; the danger of breaking off a bleed screw (for the same reason), which unless you are a very good machinist, will require a new caliper; heat build-up under hard braking; weight; and limited choice of friction materials and their cost. A different caliper has many advantages.

I still have the standard-bore MKIII master cylinder with original switchgear and have resisted the various schemes to reduce the bore size for all the reasons mentioned in previous posts above. With the stock brake setup, braking was marginally OK after I had the chrome ground off the rotor but that said, I had quite strong, large hands. Fast forward thirty years - After nearly taking out three pedestrians as they stepped out of late-afternoon shadow which extended into the crosswalk, I upgraded the front brake.

I'm now using the "Norvil by Fair Spares" 13" rotor with AC Racing caliper (I identified it incorrectly in a post a few days ago). At first I was concerned that this caliper didn't have any more piston area than the Lockheed caliper and wouldn't exert sufficient pressure on the rotor. I needn't have worried. The brake now has PLENTY of power and I have no MC sleeve or switch-gear problems. I did put a kit in the original MC at that time.
After my two sleeved MC failures, I purchased the CNW Brembo MC and the adapter to accept the Lucas switchgear. That MC, an SS brake line, Ferodo pads and the OEM caliper resulted in a front brake with the power and feel of modern bike brakes.
Any opinions on the cNw Brembo M/C (retaining the Lockheed caliper), vs the AN unit? Both are 13mm, and to retain the switchgear with the Brembo, you need his custom bracket. Not exactly a stock look. With a new braided line and bracket, his setup is about $400. I just wonder if the braking action is any better than the AN unit, considering it’s the same ratio and that I’d be keeping my Lockheed caliper.

That would be a good comparison to know if anyone has first hand knowledge of the two.
The CNW/Brembo came on an 850 that I acquired and can comment that with a braided line, 'Good' rotor and Ferodo Platinum pads it works quite well.
The lever ratio and feel is very good and I am satisfied with it's performance.
The one issue I have is I've gone through my second micro switch for the brake light and am currently converting to a hydraulic switch.
The other issue to consider is you loose the stock mirror perch on the Bembo. May or may not be an issue for some.

I have no experience on the stock converted 13mm or AN unit and I too have wondered what the diff would be.
Don Pender aka Madass140 on this site has a range of different brake options for Commando, from sleeved original MC, upgraded modern MC that accept stock switchgear, to floating disc with modern caliper, to dual disc setups.

Anyone know of any other U.S. distributers of the AN unit other than Greg Marsh (it doesn't appear on his site)?
Don Pender aka Madass140 on this site has a range of different brake options for Commando, from sleeved original MC, upgraded modern MC that accept stock switchgear, to floating disc with modern caliper, to dual disc setups.

I have Don Penders front brake conversion with a single disc and could not be more pleased.Everything fit perfectly and was able to keep the factory switch assembly. I would like to be able to get an adjustable lever as I have small hands.
Fare Spares New England shows up under the url “”. It’s a half-baked site with 2 pages of clutch cables, none of which are in stock. Nothing on the site works. I wish him well, but it’s probably not a good idea to go live with a site in this state of repair. Not a good look.

It’s looking like AN is the only place to find this part.
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