Brexit or no Brexit

You've said before that the education system in Oz is different to Blighty Al...

But here in Blighty, engineering schools don’t tend to teach politics...!

Eddie I have the greatest respect for the Poms. There is no other race which can compete with them for political subtlety. And it seems to be from top to bottom in their society. That stuff that happened at Bletchley Park during WW2 was amazing.

The engineering schools in Australia also do not teach politics, but depending on where you are working, you pick it up extremely quickly or you go nowhere. Our engineers usually only reach a certain level. The exception was the WW1 general Sir John Monash who led the State Electricity Commission of Victoria, and he never got into politics - his ethnicity kept him out. He wasn't even accepted as a member of the Melbourne Club because he was Jewish.
Being black listed based on religion has nothing to do with ethnicity ....let’s keep things straight , eh
Brexit is the result of the 2016 referendum - do you want to leave the EU or not? The result was to leave the EU with a majority of 1.4 million (52% to 48%) but the outcome is problematic. 3years of negotiations and we still have not agreed the withdrawal agreement!
480/650 of the politicians voted to remain and a businesswoman - Gina Millar - won a court case to say parliament must vote on any deal. We now have a situation where parliament says no to any deal so the impasse is impossible to resolve.
Parliament has voted against a “no deal” so we must have a deal to leave the EU - problem is that they cannot agree what this deal is?
“No deal” means leaving the EU without a trading agreement
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The "deal" is simply a subterfuge to nullify the will of the people.

You can vote, but if the outcome is not want the oligarch's want, they want a "do over".
No "do over" is allowed to be mentioned whenever the outcome is what they want.

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sounds po-litical to me....why cant England be England? or as Churchill said “Sure I am this day we are masters of our fate, that the task which has been set before us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us.”
sounds po-litical to me....why cant England be England? or as Churchill said “Sure I am this day we are masters of our fate, that the task which has been set before us is not above our strength; that its pangs and toils are not beyond our endurance. As long as we have faith in our own cause and an unconquerable will to win, victory will not be denied us.”

Dya wanna job?

Prime minister of Great Britain ...
The "deal" is simply a subterfuge to nullify the will of the people.

You can vote, but if the outcome is not want the oligarch's want, they want a "do over".
No "do over" is allowed to be mentioned whenever the outcome is what they want.


No, the "deal" is to nullify the members of Parliament who have consistently tried to effectively reverse the decision of the majority, which was to leave the EU.
Most voters who voted to leave actually want no deal.
They, and that includes me, want to stop paying a bunch of failed states (which is what they are) to make decisions and laws to affect every part of our lives. You wouldn't believe some of the shit we have to put up with here.
I remember in England when we were not such a controlled people, freedom is being eroded daily.
When the decision is taken from the executive - the cabinet - and given to a committee of 650 there is no chance of any agreement, especially when half of the committee is the governments opposition!
The only “deal” that will gain consensus is status quo
A second referendum = remain as many leave voters think what’s the point of voting again
A General election will result in another hung parliament with a continued impasse

Not turning out to vote seems to be a trend in several Countries including the one I live in ..... kinda lame , eh
By that logic, why vote at all?
As FE says... vote cast but not enacted. We were told it was a once in a lifetime vote and the result would be binding...since then the majority of MPs have stalled the process or called for a second referendum.
Many of the voters are of the opinion ‘why vote again when there is no guarantee the result will be implemented’
Okay , now I understand , thanks FE, no wonder folks are upset with the freeloaders ( politicians) .... if the stalemate continues what will/should be next step ....