champy, You can get a rear wheel sprocket that can be removed without removing the wheel or chain. They are called saw cut sprockets. You can also get them with a locking link version which helps keep them fixed for higher torque applications. The saw cut design is simple. The sprocket is made in 2 halves, so you can unbolt each half and it drops right off the wheel when you spin that half forward. You can install a different sized "saw cut" sprocket in it's place in minutes and change your final drive ratio without much disassembly. The only other thing you do is readjust the chain slack for the new sprocket.
I have a custom rear wheel application, so I needed a custom made sprocket to get the final drive ratio I wanted. I didn't buy the saw cut version for my bike because it's a road bike and I didn't feel I was going to change ratios like a racer might want to do. If you buy 3 saw cut sprockets all 1 tooth apart in size, you'll have extreme adjustability of power delivery given your 6 speed box.
They used to have pictures of their specialized sprockets on their website so you can see the saw cut version and the saw cut link lock version, but my guess is they don't feel the need to show the chinese that design to copy. I'm sure you can email them and they will send you pictures of their designs.