I think I read somewhere that Tom Phillis did a 100 MPH lap of the IOM on the Domiracer. Better him than me. The best featherbed bike has the motor for which it was designed. If you are into road racing, you should ride one - just to know what they are like. In the old days, if you wanted to be an A-grader, you bought a Manx and it would help you become one. When I first started racing, an old A-grade rider told me 'you need a lot of racing miles under your belt and the bike has to do something for you'.
When I was a kid, I bought what I thought was a good thing, but all it did was give me a hard time while teaching me how to crash safely. I ride well now, but I still have the memory of that pain. It shapes my thinking and buggers my enthusiasm. Whenever I think of racing, my right shoulder starts hurting.