It went slower than with the balance pipes. Four runs were made, all netted 108 kmh at top. I then tried jetting up and down, both slowed the bike even more, so the 260s were correct.
The balance pipes with the same silencers netted 110kmh. The balance pipe with cross pipe plugged netted 113 kmh, the very best result found.
The separate Interstate pipes with these open silencers fitted also netted 113.
It seems most folks already have the best combination for midrange power, separate 1&3/8" pipes with open peashooters.
I tried nine other combinations and they all came up short.
I did not have a Maney type exhaust to try, that would be interesting.
It appears there are lots of ways to slow things down with the exhaust configuration but getting more out of a stock bike with a stock pre black cap exhaust is tough to do.
The quiet silencers killed performance the most.