Another getting old thread

robs ss

Aug 16, 2016
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Well mine certainly isn't in the @marshg246 spectrum but my right knee has swollen and, can you believe it, has been diagnosed as "Housemaid Knee" (Prepatella Bursitis).
No pain or loss of movement - just swelling.
It means i have to be careful for a while:
1. No kneeling.
2. No walking on soft sand on the beach in the mornings - otherwise my 5km walk is okay.
3. No KICKSTARTING!! @Fast Eddie FFS stop laughing!!

You'd think the "Me Too" brigade would howl down that affliction name, wouldn't you?
Well you did spend all that money to buy a Norton fitted with a ES so why not use it for a while, I know how you feeling as my left knee is my problem child, run over by a car on my Honda TL250 from behind while turning into my mate place only damage to me was the left knee back in 1976 then same knee again in 84 and then again in 85, a few years later the knee kept swelling up but haven't had no problems with it in over 20 years but just recently it's had a few lock ups and shooting pain, so it's coming back to haunt me.
Never had a broken bone till about 7 years ago when the Norton threw me over the handle bars at a slow emergence stop, fractured left elbow and a broken thumb, still can't straighten my left arm, lucky it wasn't the right arm hehe.
Well one good thing no kneeling for you at church lol and you still got your arms to open the beer fridge and open your beers and use your left leg to hold the bike up when stopped.
Just toughen up and stop being a girl complaining, and if you fall over when drunk you can blame the knee, anyway you old bugger, hope it gets better soon.

PS was you wearing your housemaids uniform and heels when it happened (housemaid knee lol).
Well mine certainly isn't in the @marshg246 spectrum but my right knee has swollen and, can you believe it, has been diagnosed as "Housemaid Knee" (Prepatella Bursitis).
No pain or loss of movement - just swelling.
It means i have to be careful for a while:
1. No kneeling.
2. No walking on soft sand on the beach in the mornings - otherwise my 5km walk is okay.
3. No KICKSTARTING!! @Fast Eddie FFS stop laughing!!

You'd think the "Me Too" brigade would howl down that affliction name, wouldn't you?
My son got diagnosed with housemaids knee when he was around 25 years old
So don't feel too bad about it
Nothing worse than uncooperative knees. My left doesn't always bend like it should even though it was my right one that was abused by a POS HD Sportster years ago. Worse still was my doctor told me last week I have a case of TB (Taproom Belly), which does have a cure but it's not near as much fun as getting it.
For me the most annoying thing with a bad knee is all those people telling me to use knees instead of harming my spine, when lifting 100 lbs sacks. Heard it for 50 years.
Well...when I retired and was processing out of the Navy, the scans they took of my left knee showed virtually no cartilage remaining. I guess its kinda sorted itself out a bit, because it's my right one that swells up now before the end of a workday here at the hangar. Not that I run or jog anymore, I get my cardio from a bicycle these days. It is good that you have the electric starter installed already robs ss (forward thinking were ya) ;)
This post is in case it might assist someone else.
Cruising the web today and came across something called awards (maybe German?)
The inventor, part of a chinese company called inDare, has come up with this way of relieving kneeling injuries. I think it's a great idea!
I have emailed but if no response I will make my own with a pair of hockey shin-guards and some spring steel
I will become the Oscar Pretorious of kneeling!! Won't shoot people in the shithouse though (maybe?).

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Well...when I retired and was processing out of the Navy, the scans they took of my left knee showed virtually no cartilage remaining. I guess its kinda sorted itself out a bit, because it's my right one that swells up now before the end of a workday here at the hangar. Not that I run or jog anymore, I get my cardio from a bicycle these days. It is good that you have the electric starter installed already robs ss (forward thinking were ya) ;)
Yeah CJ - when I bought this thing from Matt I was thinking (and still am) I'm going to ride this thing until I'm too old to kick.
Let's hope that time hasn't arrived!
Cheers (...and look after your knees!)
Well - four weeks of:
1: No kneeling
2. No kickstarting
3. Wearing tube- compression bandage whilst vertical, and
4. Using a horse/dog joint linament called Rapigel 5-6 times per day (doctor, when I asked him, said it couldn't hurt)
and the knee circumference has come down over 2cm to the same as the left one.

So, in keeping with making one change at a time, I have started kickstarting again (Ha! @Fast Eddie 😁) without issue. Three times yesterday.
I will do that for a week and, if all's good, will make the next change - stop wearing the bandage.

I think kneeling is the culprit so will follow through with making my own version of the idea in post #7 (the chinese never started manufacture)

Just one of the hurdles to be encountered as we age I suppose. Posting this in case it helps someone else 👍👍
But have you stop wearing your heels and maids outfit, till you stop that then long-term recovery might me longer Hehe
But have you stop wearing your heels and maids outfit, till you stop that then long-term recovery might me longer Hehe
On that subject Ash - it reminds me of a bloke I knew (production superintendent) at the Aluminium Smelter I worked at (not aluminum - different stuff altogether!) who was seeking work at a middle eastern smelter. He'd been promised the job but didn't have the paperwork.
Meanwhile his wife , an early primary school teacher, had a firm offer teaching english at a school close to that smelter.
As they were leaving to a place where she had the job but he technically didn't we had a farewell party where we presented him with a sexy french maid's outfit with "Kitchen Bitch" embroidered on the minute apron.
He was, unfortunately, forced to model it. I can still remember his wife's horrored/amused expression!