And so it begins

Supposedly, according to leaked info, tomorrow the US Dept of Energy will announce a breakthrough in fusion power. For the first time, a fusion reaction that produces a net power gain (makes more power than it takes). I hope this is true - eventually should lead to nearly unlimited clean energy. Of course, I can hear the naysayers talking about the dangers of a sun on earth.
It is basically regurgitated old news
Major Breakthrough ...or damage control ??...and in the mean time ...
This breakthrough happened in 2014
We'll see. The 2014 article was talking about what they thought they could accomplish in a decade. They, or someone, may have done it sooner. If you find where someone has already produced net plus fusion energy, I would love to read about it.
Appreciate your excitement and enthusiasm but continued headlines in the mean time are not going to stop people from freezing to death this winter in Europe. Anyone would have thought the world has run out of oil and gas...
China says 6 years like you say let's see what the once great nation of yours can deliver as a time stamp.
If you read my posts you'll find several where I think natural gas is the answer today. You'll also find where stupid Govt. is stopping new construction using oil and/or natural gas. in the US and elsewhere.

Yes, I am excited about fusion - I would like to see everyone have inexpensive and clean energy. I'm even more excited about breeder reactors but most are mis-informed and would rather have the fission waste we now produce outlast us all.

It's a shame that so many years after we put a man on the moon with the computing power of a wristwatch of today that we still have to rely on coal for a good bit of our energy and it's really stupid, especially for parts of the US, to be banning natural gas rather than using it.
It's a shame that so many years after we put a man on the moon with the computing power of a wristwatch of today that we still have to rely on coal for a good bit of our energy and it's really stupid, especially for parts of the US, to be banning natural gas rather than using it.
It's called special interests.

Money. It's what makes the world go round
I'm still trying to get my old Hamilton pocket watch to do the computing necessary to sort out my house thermostat. I gave up trying to get it to do the moon mission...
It is a great old thing, a masterpiece , a mechanical marvel, the computer of the day. And now, it is just a curiosity. So much of our worries today will be forgotten in one hundred years. So will we.
Paying billions of TAXPAYER money to subsidise a negligible fusion power "net gain" is one thing.

Building the eventual plants that will produce REGULARLY USEABLE GRID-BASED power is ENTIRELY another.

Like decades, to a generation.
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Prices increase due to supply and demand.

You can effect that in two ways, increase demand or reduce supply.

Most western countries have just spent two years doing BOTH. We pumped our countries full of ‘free’ money (increasing demand) AND shut off global supply chains (choking supply).

I just do not understand how we can all do that, and then act surprised that we have rampant inflation…
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Prices increase due to supply and demand.

You can effect that in two ways, increase demand or reduce supply.

Most western countries have just spent two years doing BOTH. We pumped our countries full of ‘free’ money (increasing demand) AND shut off global supply chains (choking supply).

I just do not understand how we can all do that, and then act surprised that we have rampant inflation…
We had a news head line a few days ago (posted) saying 45 thousand buildings related jobs may be lost in the coming months due to a down turn in building consents being issued...and refer to Baz's first intuitive post. (So it begins)
Covid lock downs were a unprecedented response that we have never experienced before and now we are paying the price. Digital currency anyone ?....their responce to print more money has broken us all.
Layoffs all over my city today coupled with the collapse of a large local construction company in my neck off the woods.
...and the politicians will 'manage' the situation. The control obsession in them drives them to do this whilst it is well known that nobody can control much of anything because it isn't possible. Not the economy, not health care, not the environment and on and on. We all are seeing this in daily life but even ourselves just nod and expect things to return to 'normal'.
Sorry folks, but this time the sh_t has hit the fan.
I want to know how they arrive at whatever level 'struggling' is. And then I want to know how they decide what a family is. And come to that, what consists of 'food on the table'?
Not taking shots at anyone here I just think sometimes broad concepts don't mean much.
With the now northern hemisphere winter coupled with traditional energy supply shortages its obvious that cold and hungry will be a common headline with possibly the word angry in there as well.

For another trending headline
Google seach "Died Suddenly" 🤔
I generally don't use Google
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Currently over 60% of American families are struggling to put food on their tables..I can see soup kitchens coming just like we had in the 1930's great depression joke

"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop Questioning."

- Albert Einstein.
Our local supermarkets make up 'food parcels', cheap/damaged or nearing expiry date products packed into one large 'unmarked' paper bag...
There's also a network to locate 'free' food the supermarkets cannot charge for.
BUT: These are tracked down by some on their latest all singing all dancing mobile phones, who then drive in their 4x4s or SUVs to collect the stuff..
It's the way people 'prioritise' these days that irks me, big time...
Our local supermarkets make up 'food parcels', cheap/damaged or nearing expiry date products packed into one large 'unmarked' paper bag...
There's also a network to locate 'free' food the supermarkets cannot charge for.
BUT: These are tracked down by some on their latest all singing all dancing mobile phones, who then drive in their 4x4s or SUVs to collect the stuff..
It's the way people 'prioritise' these days that irks me, big time...
I'm pleased to hear that your supermarkets cater for all people.
My mother bless her worked at a local food bank(volunteer)and was dismayed at the amount of people that would come and pick up food parcels with cigarettes hanging out of their mouths...shed say if they can't afford food for their children...they shouldn't be smoking and buying cigarettes
The SUV 4x4 is totally next level...greed