AM26 100/90 & TT100 4.10

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batrider said:
Numbty is a new one for me. Scottish numbty = USA numbnuts ???

I always find it difficult to do translations: numpty is almost a term of endearment used at somebody who already knows that in this situation they are an arse!! numbnuts to me sounds like some sort of court eunuch!! We kind of get what our American friends are saying but don’t always understand. Thankfully there are people like Hobot who would not be out o place in a Scottish pub and I can understand perfectly as long as I’ve drunk enough!!!! :mrgreen:

What is really exciting is seeing the simple shots of your completed wheels. Pure eye candy for me and it really shows how nicely the tire tucks into the fender/guard. One more chore, how wide is that SS fender?

Just been out to measure F/mudguard best as I can tell its 5”. Had a look back through receipts and I bought it from norvil in 1998 part no.063175 they still list on their site. Now that I’m older and wiser I buy my parts from RGM (good people to deal with and really fast delivery) who list a stainless mudguard under same part no. which is also cheaper but no picture on their web site so I can’t tell for sure.
I replaced the fork leg mounting studs and bolts with ss allen screws saves a bit of space for wheel removal/installation.
Just a thought while I was out in the garage, you may well be happy with the original isolastic shims but if you want to change to MK3 version, front isolastic cradle needs to be chopped so now would be the time to do it before powder coat or paint

AM26 100/90 & TT100 4.10

Hope this helps
Just took a photo of my '72 with Avon AM26 Roadrider and original chromed front fender. Clearance is roughly 1/8" to the stays.

AM26 100/90 & TT100 4.10
Hmm. Just measured my 100/90 x 19 Roadriders on WM4 (2.5 inch rims) at 4.26 inches. A Bridgestone 100/90 x 19 on a standard 2.15 rim is 3.63 inches (??)

The 100/90 AM26's are optimal on a (WM4) 2.5 inch wide rim. On the 1.85 WM2 they are a little "pinched". I have a set on stock WM2's and you would need to be quite a rider to use the last 3/8 inch of tread on each side. As you put them on a wider rim, the tread surface flattens out (and widens) and using the full tire becomes more practical.

I don't think you could use an WM4 mounted AM26 with a stock front fender. I'd be curious if anyone is running a 100/90-19 on a WM3 with a stock front fender.

I'm considering lacing a set of 19" shouldered aluminum rims for a set of AM26's and would like to try WM3's (2.15 inch) as a compromise, but I'm not sure they will clear. Additionally, it doesn't seem that anyone has any shouldered WM3's at the moment.
Ron L said:
Hmm. Just measured my 100/90 x 19 Roadriders on WM4 (2.5 inch rims) at 4.26 inches. A Bridgestone 100/90 x 19 on a standard 2.15 rim is 3.63 inches (??)

The 100/90 AM26's are optimal on a (WM4) 2.5 inch wide rim. On the 1.85 WM2 they are a little "pinched". I have a set on stock WM2's and you would need to be quite a rider to use the last 3/8 inch of tread on each side. As you put them on a wider rim, the tread surface flattens out (and widens) and using the full tire becomes more practical.

I don't think you could use an WM4 mounted AM26 with a stock front fender. I'd be curious if anyone is running a 100/90-19 on a WM3 with a stock front fender.

I'm considering lacing a set of 19" shouldered aluminum rims for a set of AM26's and would like to try WM3's (2.15 inch) as a compromise, but I'm not sure they will clear. Additionally, it doesn't seem that anyone has any shouldered WM3's at the moment.

I'm running a stock front guard but had to replace the mounting bolts with button headed cap screws or the front tyre had no chance of fitting. That is the only issue. The tyre fits under the guard with no problems (1973 MK1 850). On the rear I had to reverse the lower shock mounting bolt so that the tyre would clear it. A tight fit but it does fit. I originally fitted 2.5 inch rims because they were the optimal size for the Roadriders. On a standard 1.85 inch rim it would be impossible to use the edge of the tread without grinding the end off your crankshaft.

Re your last statement, why compromise? 19 inch WM 4s aren't available in flanged as far as I am aware but collecting dog piss was never a hobby of mine. Mine are non-flanged, look good and people comment on the handling and steering after riding my Commando (in a good way).
Am I the only one out there with this setup?
Fullauto said:
Re your last statement, why compromise? 19 inch WM 4s aren't available in flanged as far as I am aware but collecting dog piss was never a hobby of mine. Mine are non-flanged, look good and people comment on the handling and steering after riding my Commando (in a good way).
Am I the only one out there with this setup?

I'll bet that you probably are the only one. I've got flanged WM2 and WM3's on my bike because they were the conventional choice 20 years ago. Everybody thought it took a flanged alloy rim to be as strong as a steel rim and there wasn't any benefit to going any wider than the stock rim sizes. It's probably not true on both counts, but especially on the rim sizes because I don't think they make tires the way they used to. It's possible that modern tires need the recommended rim width to stabilize the tread because they are designed to be low aspect and flexible. Pinching the tire at the bead not only deforms the tread but screws up stance of the tire making it higher aspect and even more flexible. It's pretty well documented that wobble and weave are a function of sidewall stiffness. If I was shopping for rims today I'd probably go with WM4's, but I've got too much invested in those wheels to ditch them. But then there's always Ebay.
Buchanan does not list any 19" shouldered rims in WM4 and are out of stock in WM3-19. I have a set of non-shouldered Akronts (WM3's) on my cafe racer and while they look nice, for this project I wanted shouldered rims.

It'''s good to know that the 100/90-19 AM26's on WM4 will fit under the stock fender and stays. I certainly would have bet against it.

I guess I could go for shouldered WM4's in 18 inch, but I already have a set of 19 inch stainless spokes and nipples.
I have AM26's on the way as we speak....Ill send in pics also of how they fit ...I have been running AM18,19

Hi Gary
Unless your next post starts with “Where can I get Knee sliders for my Pro Street Racing leathers that don’t wear out after 28 miles?” I would go for AM26 100/90-19 on your stock ’71 rims.
Ron L said:
Buchanan does not list any 19" shouldered rims in WM4 and are out of stock in WM3-19. I have a set of non-shouldered Akronts (WM3's) on my cafe racer and while they look nice, for this project I wanted shouldered rims.

It'''s good to know that the 100/90-19 AM26's on WM4 will fit under the stock fender and stays. I certainly would have bet against it.

I guess I could go for shouldered WM4's in 18 inch, but I already have a set of 19 inch stainless spokes and nipples.

The original question from T95 was will 100/90-19 AM26 fit his '71. With 4.3" width on WM-4 rim compared to 3.6" width on WM-2 rim I still doubt the wider rim with this tire size is going to fit within a '71 front fender....maybe the later 850 stainless type fender as it is wider. This tire on an original WM-2 on my '72 has around 1/8" clearance to the fender stays.
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