A week into ownership; I got the smmotorco primary cover seal, so redid the primary. Found the main culprit was no grommet on the alternator wire! A glob of silicon was just hanging from the wire.... Now with a grommet installed and some wire rerouting so it's not rubbing on the cradle. Extensive clean up of flanges and the seal groove, found the new seal was about an inch short, just used a bit of the old to close the gap

put the seam up top bolted it all back up and took off for a 200 mile "test ride" . Much better! Think the primary is tight now. Need to stop some exhaust valve cover drool and she should be good to go til the tranny gets gone through. Glorious day for a ride, sunny dry 60's, back roads Wisconsin. Not done with carburation yet, higher throttle is great, kinda lumpy surge-y at lower speeds, will install the new throttle cables and have another go at synching. After one ride working perfectly, the speedo wandered off into Jittersville, oh well, one step forward, one back. I have now put more miles on the bike in the last week than it had gone in the last 4 years. Will be calling around monday finding a way to get a reduced bore front MC as soon as possible! With lots of deer encounters waiting patiently for the bike to slow down is just not an option. Got cut off in a small town yesterday, truck driver looked right at me and pulled out in my path anyways. I was cursing that pitiful front brake again! About 3 miles later an SUV had rear ended a minivan, if they can't see a minivan....