Drill a small hole into a cylinder head fin and an exhaust gland bolt [this is technically a bolt] fin. Then secure them with safety wire, ala aviation practice. Less weight, no rattling noise and more secure.Thanks, excellent info guys. I've always left out the tab washers on other installs.
I would also add to step 5:
Coat contact surfaces & bolt threads of both connector sleeves with anti-seize compound [NeverSeize] . This will greatly aid future disassembly efforts. Be sure to clean off any exposed compound prior to engine start.
As EstuaryBoy points out, after a short test ride, go back and retighten all fittings.
Good advice, I had to hacksaw a cross over tube off that had rusted together years ago
Why would you do that????I drill a hole in one of the fins on the exhaust nuts and wrap safety wire around the bottom nut on rocker covers. Slips off the nut if the cover needs to come off.
I drill a hole in one of the fins on the exhaust nuts and wrap safety wire around the bottom nut on rocker covers. Slips off the nut if the cover needs to come off.
Sorry htown16,I don't drill a hole in the head fin. No need to call me names.
Don't fit the cross over pipes. IMOH, go with singles. less hassle and more time to ride with out break downs.I've fitted several exhausts without the cross over pipes and the collets on both 750 and 850's. This is the first time on a 73 fitting the factory setup. Any tricks to be aware of?