750 roadster re build

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Solid Works eh? looking at your model, makes me think I need some practice! Looks good!
I am a pretty clever guy, and I am continually humbled by the stuff some people here do. This is nice work all around. Keep it coming.

possm said:
Get hold of Dave Sewall in Hornby he has your fastback tail and tank moulds save you doing them your self.

Its not quite a fastback tail, I dont like the transition to the tail light so much on the proper one. If you ignore the time it took to model it (I did that before I decided I wanted to try making one) there is only 3 odd hours work in it out of scrap wood and a tin of bog, I think I will try and integrate a seat pan into it as well. To make it quicker still Im not going to make a mold, just bag it over the plug, Ill be able to get away with a very light fill and sand due to the peel ply.

For the tank I was thinking more along the lines of an interstate tank or making a large roadster tank.

750 roadster re build

750 roadster re build
Magork said:
Solid Works eh? looking at your model, makes me think I need some practice! Looks good!

There are lots of ways to do the same thing in solidworks and my ways a probably not the best! Most of the bits I have done are thickened surfaces. I guess the most important bit is getting all the construction geometry right
Oh oh, if this seat/tail piece can fit an IS tank, please make an extra or two. Spacey to see your CAD images.
hobot said:
Oh oh, if this seat/tail piece can fit an IS tank, please make an extra or two. Spacey to see your CAD images.

I was thinking something along the lines of this

750 roadster re build
I got impatient and slapped some bits of glass from my off cut bag on the plug (with epoxy, hate the smell of polyester), well not entirely pointless I did it to make sure that it fitted nicely over the frame, looks like it will fit nicely

750 roadster re build

750 roadster re build
Yellow, what is yellow the new gay ? ( sorry Cheesy, trying to antagonise Swoosh ).

Looking good.
Josh Cox said:
Yellow, what is yellow the new gay ? ( sorry Cheesy, trying to antagonise Swoosh ).

Looking good.
Its not new, its been that way for over 30 years :lol:

I think Ill end up with a collection of different styles and colours of body work for it
Not really much to look at but the plug for the tailpiece all ready to go, just need to wait for some warmer weather to make it

750 roadster re build
Cases welded up, drilled and reamed. 3/8 bolts to 7/16 and the 5/16 to 3/8, painted and ready to go back together

750 roadster re build

750 roadster re build

Putting it together should be an evening job this week

......and I even had the paint before Jordan started his build thread!
bwolfie said:
I did wrinkle blace on my 850 cases last year. Still trying to decide If I like it.

I did it to hide all the casting flaws and marks, a satin black would have been ok as well, but I think the wrinkle is kind of understated yet purposeful.

Just the crank case and gearbox cases (the two inner bits) will be black wrinkle, the cradle, front ISO and frame are silver. The cylinders are just high temp gloss black. Thats probably about my limit on polishing the timing (and later gearbox and primary) covers as well unless I come across the appropriate power tool.
Sludge trap cleaned out, new crank studs and nuts, rod bolts nipped up.... all on the lounge floor, in a well defined patch mind you

750 roadster re build
Made some good head way in the weekend;

I took the dremel to the oil pickup hole in the timing side of the case as it really did not line up with the hole in the other case half
750 roadster re build

Case halves bolted up, timing gear and oil pump fitted, no dramas with this step
750 roadster re build

I checked the ring end gaps and the pistion skirt clearannces, a couple of the rings were bang on the minimum/maybe a little bit tight (.012) so I touched them up with a diamond hone, the skirts were all good. Now this is probably not the recomended way to fit the pistons but I only have one ring compressor and its too big for the Norton... I sat the piston in the bore and carefully went around with a piece of plastic pushing it into the bore... repeated 8 times. This method works better with standard pistons as there is more clearance between the gudgeon pin and the oil rings. Once they were both in I put the motor on ts side and lined up the fist rod and slid the pin in (already had the clips in the other side of the piston) and put the clip in. Than carefully turned it onto its side and put the second on in.

750 roadster re build

750 roadster re build

750 roadster re build
There is some gasket sealant on the copper base gasket, care was taken to put a minimal layer on! The head gasket was a bit of a pain as a couple of the holes needed to be enlarged to fit properly, that got some gasket sealant around the push rod tunnels and the head drain, I also put a loop of dental floss around each of these openings on both sides of the gasket. The hardest part was getting the pushrods in... a plastic knife between the head and block and a magnetic screwdriver did the trick in the end.

750 roadster re build

750 roadster re build
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