72 Commando - handle bar (2017)

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Here are my Renthal Street Fighter bars on a '72 Interstate.

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)

looked on Revzilla - the Street Fighters look interesting... looking forward to the pic(s)... did you grind off the cross member?


The cross member unbolts but is on there really tight with loctight. I managed to not scratch the anodized bars while removing it. The pic are up.
oleblu72 said:
1973x75 said:
Gatsby, you have a nice, tidy garage, and a very elaborate electrical system. Is that for solar?

Yeah I was checking out his breaker panels myself pretty extensive.


This setup is a regular 600 amp residential service. There is another 200 amp panel to the left of the panels in that is cut out of the picture. I live in a cold climate, so I built my home with in slab / floor heat on all levels which requires a lot of juice. This work area is in my basement, where the slab is 14” thick with heating cables embedded. Once the slab is energized, it really maintains the heat. I do all my winter maintenance in sock feet and my feet are nice and toasty!

bostonkevino said:
I may mount these, and if I find them too wide trim back if possible -

https://andover-norton.co.uk/en/shop-de ... 650ss-etc-


Got it. You prefer lower or flat bars. Consider rear set pegs with this position...more comfortable. I found that bars lower than the western style need to have your feet further back than the stock foot peg position. Another low bar I tried and liked in the past are BMW R90S. Problem is as another poster said, not much room for the stock front brake master cylinder.
Nice look - lots of great input in this one!

Coincidentally - I winter hiked a similar location, a mountain in the Presidential Range (Mt. Jackson in NH) yesterday - the wind chill was 30 below zero at the summit, I am looking forward to the return of riding weather!!

If your 6 ft + or consistantly carry pillions , these . Up The Other Way ( View as inverted their ) arnt unreasonable . ( rotated 180 degees in the clamps , so raised NOT Dropped )

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)

Low Rise & Forward Grip , alows you to get your chin on the Tank , Why Downhill with a Tailwind . . . .
And theyre o.k. on dirt roads too .
These are bars scavenged off of my KZ 900 from back in the day. Had them in my garage for about 20 years and finally found a use for them. At the time they were called Superbike bars. I think they fit the Norton nicely.

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)
Yeah I was checking out his breaker panels myself pretty extensive.

Gatsby, you have a nice, tidy garage, and a very elaborate electrical system. Is that for solar?
I just stumbled over this old thread - -> Unfortunately no solar in my home. 600 amp service (one additional panel not in picture). It gets cold here in Newfoundland, and I have heated floors throughout my home. I can work on my Norton in my garage in sock feet, and my feet stay nice and toasty!
Enviable garage. I was working on my ‘72 Commando in the garage here in Stockton California today. Not really toasty. Oil change time of year.
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