72 Commando - handle bar (2017)

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Nov 24, 2016
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Hi All,

Looking for some ideas on handlebars - historically I'm a sportbike rider (I still ride a K1300S, so let's call it sport-tourer) by experience, so I'm used to (and like) lower angles and positioning, and I like the look of club racer style setups. I could go the clip on approach (Tomaselli or similar?), but was curious how mounting these has been done on other bikes - do the 'batwing' headlamp stays have to be modified to reveal the fork tubes for clip on attachment?

Traditional bar - The bar on my bike now (I think it is aftermarket - unmarked, doesn't seem to match the factory offerings I've seen - height is somewhere between the roadster and the 'mini-apes'). As expected the size is 7/8's diameter, and it is knurled where it clamps to the yoke (I know other bike makers adopted knurling later - I think HD wasn't till '82 - was this an early adoption thing for Norton?). Anyway, after doing some research I am finding it a challenge to find a replacement that I like that is also knurled to match the clamping location (about 3.5" total, 1.75 each way, width measured from bar center point). Is a non-knurled bar an issue in terms of slipping, anyone currently use a non-knurled bar?

I'd really like to see some bars MOUNTED before I order anything (and prices are all over the board $30-300 on the internet, everything from cheap knockoffs to gorgeous custom chrome) - anyone care to share some pics? THANKS! :D

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bwpts ... UdXZEtHMlU

https://drive.google.com/open?id=0Bwpts ... HVCN3NPd0E

My bikes are snuggled under their winter covers at the moment so I don't have pictures, but my preferences are the original US handlebar with stock footpegs (750 Roadster) and the lower, shorter Euro bars with rearsets (850 Interstate). Both are much lower than what you show in the picture. The rise on the US bar is 4 inches and are 32 inches wide, where the Euro bars are 2 3/4 inch rise and 28 inches wide.

None of the factory handlebars are knurled and in over 40 years I have never had an issue with bars slipping (unless you hit an immovable object!)

To mount clip-ons most builders replace the stock headlight ears with Tomaselli or clamp on mounts. On my last café type Norton I used fully adjustable Tomaselli clip ons to allow for adjusting to the most comfortable position. However, my 66 year old frame no longer can handle that extreme.

Like you, I have ridden a BMW sport tourer on long trips for the last 17 years (R1100RS), and have a Ducati 900 SS (bevel) and 900 SP, so I have ridden a number of bikes with "aggressive" riding position.
Thanks Ron - I was fairly sure those bars were replacements, they'll be 'wall art' soon enough... Also, very good to know about the (lack of) knurling, it will make choosing a replacement bar easier (I think clip on's are unlikely at this point).

I'd still like to see some bars on bikes to help visualize rake, drop, etc... I'll keep up my tour of the internet! LOL

I have run vintage superbike bars on all of my Commandos for the last 36 years. They have about a 2-3 inch rise. The are what used to come stock on the old BMW R90S.
They have about the same bend as your K1300S
My bike came as a "project" (as they do) it had what are referred to as "Vincent Straights" on it. I put roadster bars on as wrist problems ruled them out for me. But i have seen few Commandos with them on so a search of Google could help you. I could be wrong but I believe Fast Eddie has them on his bike.
Put on the bars for your particular year and model. If that doesn't work then re-think things. :)
toppy said:
My bike came as a "project" (as they do) it had what are referred to as "Vincent Straights" on it. I put roadster bars on as wrist problems ruled them out for me. But i have seen few Commandos with them on so a search of Google could help you. I could be wrong but I believe Fast Eddie has them on his bike.

Well, my handles bars and footrests are on and off more than whores-drawers!

I don't use Vincent straights though, see the pics of it in current cafe racer trim, I use cNw headlamp brackets and Woodcraft clip ons. These are machine from alloy and look very nice, if a tad modern. They're '3 piece' clip ons which means they can be fitted and removed without disturbing the yokes. They do them in different raised versions too, but I haven't tried these.

Note that if you go for flats or clip ons you'll need rear sets cos the stock pegs are way too far forward for this. I'm still pissing around with different rear set options as none seem to offer quite what I'm looking for. But that's not untypical !

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)
I uncovered these from their winter slumber.

The black bike has 06-07854 bars, while the blue bike has 06-1046 bars from Andover Norton.

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)
Tarozzi 3" rise clip ons... after having gone through too many bars to count, I settled on these and couldn't be happier. They are infinitely adjustable across all planes, raised up to the top tree they are nearly the same height as euro bars, slide them down the stanchions for super sport riding. Prior to these I had tried a set of tomaselli adjustable clubmans, which were decent but still had a limited range compared to these. The price is fair as well, got them for less than $300 (Cdn) shipped from UK... and the best part is they come in 34.5 mm, unlike nearly all the other adjustable clip on options out there (including the tomaselli clipons)

There are some widespread complaints with the amount of torque required to keep the bar holders fixed (some have reported cracked stanchion mounts), seems to be an issue with the fact that the stanchion to bar clamp interface is smooth (not knurled). I used a light dab of loktite press fit, and not much torque at all on the main bolt, and they've been solid thus far. I do plan on tapping in a grub screw to ultimately solve the problem though.

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)
You could consider Laverda Jota style bars these are adjustable and could be made to do both low and high positions. Non original copies are much wider across the top yolk though. Vincent straights normally result in the master cylinder fouling the clocks. Even drum brake cables interfere with the clocks with these bars.
Hi Bostonkevino,

Below are some images of my 1972. The first two pictures are Norman Hyde M-Bard. They have a very slight drop.

Norman Hyde M Bars


  • 72 Commando - handle bar (2017)
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  • 72 Commando - handle bar (2017)
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And these bars are Ace bars from RGM. These Ace bars have a 5" drop http://www.rgmnorton.co.uk/buy/handleba ... e_2353.htm I pair my handlebars with a set of Madass120's rear sets. . I have yet to mounts my handle grips or test drive the bike for proper positioning. There is a foot of snow on the ground where I live!



  • 72 Commando - handle bar (2017)
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I have 24" wide "M" style bars. I had to angle them down to fit inside the fairing cut outs.

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)
Gatsby, you have a nice, tidy garage, and a very elaborate electrical system. Is that for solar?
1973x75 said:
Gatsby, you have a nice, tidy garage, and a very elaborate electrical system. Is that for solar?

Yeah I was checking out his breaker panels myself pretty extensive.

Handlebars are very much personal preference. I see you are a Sportster rider same as me, will share two photos. Below is both my '72 Commando and 2007 XL1200R. My preference for the Norton is upright street tracker style. I have tried every other configuration down to clip-ons and rear sets. This is the most comfortable for me. These are what is called "western bend" at Andover Norton and other Norton parts vendors.
72 Commando - handle bar (2017)

72 Commando - handle bar (2017)
I like low bars and I got one set for my Interstate that wouldn't fit because the master cylinder wouldn't go on. I got another set off of ebay what was just right and about as low as I could go before stuff started hitting the tank when fully turned. Then I found out that I bent the left side just pulling the bike onto the center stand! Not good. I need a stronger set of bars. So, I set out to find a "real" set of bars like Renthal or Pro-Taper. I found that Renthal has a set of street bars which look good but were not as low as I wanted. I looked at the "street fighter" bars and they looked just perfect but had the cross member. I got them for $72 at Revzilla and tried them on. At first I was about to send them back but I kept going with the install and it all fit on!

They are 7/8 bars and I took off the cross member. The master cyl fits and is literally as low as you could possibly put the stock set up. Nothing hits when turning but it comes very close. Not close at your hands just the stuff close to the tank. I got the black ones and it matches my color scheme real good.

The only thing I am worried about now is what will happen to my legs if I ever go over the bars like I did back in 1977.

I'll include a picture later. Dan.

Thanks - I'm currently a VRSCA (V-Rod) owner, those bars are somewhat more 'drag bike' in configuration... my BMW is a K1300, which although is much more sportbike shaped, the are actually raised compared to most superbike clip-ons... yes, way too complicated. LOL

I do like the 'western' bars - could be a contender! Thanks for the post!

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