1975 Commando 850 restoration

I'm really impressed with the restoration of the switchgear and instruments. That's some very nice work.

...my plan at the moment is to leave the bottom end and trans in the frame, remove the wiring harness and clean/paint the frame. After that I plan to replace the rear iso... After that the layshaft bearing and some clutch work plus general inspection of all the other innards.
Then it makes no sense to leave the rear end and engine/transmission with the frame.

Was that you that e-mailed me for a copy of my restoration checklist spreadsheet? (I e-mailed it yesterday)
Then it makes no sense to leave the rear end and engine/transmission with the frame.

Was that you that e-mailed me for a copy of my restoration checklist spreadsheet? (I e-mailed it yesterday)
I read your post this morning and I’ve been thinking about it all day. I’ve shown your post to the wifey poo and she told me to do as you say so I guess I’m all in at this point.

grandpaul, don’t take this the wrong way but you remind me of a man that I really respect and miss. He taught me my current trade of HVAC over thirty years ago. He’s no longer of this world. He used to tell me that there is only one way to do things, the right way. Thank you for reminding me of him today.

As for the restoration checklist spreadsheet, it wasn’t me that asked for it but could you please email it and anything else that you think would be useful to me at motorboy61@yahoo.com? I very much appreciate all your help.
HA! I was in the A/C trade (we don't use a lot of "H" in Texas) for almost 20 years, and Mechanical/Electrical Engineering designing commercial & residential HVAC systems for another 8 or 9.

Spreadsheet on the way.
HA! I was in the A/C trade (we don't use a lot of "H" in Texas) for almost 20 years, and Mechanical/Electrical Engineering designing commercial & residential HVAC systems for another 8 or 9.

Spreadsheet on the way.
Thanks for the spreadsheet. Useful indeed. Can't let the woman see it!

Kinda coincidental on the trades thing.
Some more progress on the disassembly. Wiring harness in the box. Man it's gonna be a fun time hooking that back up! Said nobody. 1975 Commando 850 restoration1975 Commando 850 restoration1975 Commando 850 restoration
Ha - In for a penny , in for a pound as they say - keep going until you have the crank in bits ! Very nice work on all the other bits - make sure the beast’s heart is as good as the manicured fingernails...
More progress on disassembly. I'm sure I'm going about this assbackward but you live and you learn.


  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
    221.3 KB · Views: 460
  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
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Get the primary off, extract the power unit, then the transmission, then extract the rear isolastic bolt, then pull the swingarm spindle.

On my oil tank I noticed what looks like an overflow tube is pinched and brazed shut. It also has a small hole drilled in the side upper of the tube. Is this a modification and if so why?


  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
    114.5 KB · Views: 443
Took my primary cover off to check things out. To my untrained eye it looks pretty good. Fluid that was drained looked and felt new. Going to order the clutch tool tonight so I can proceed with the teardown.


  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
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  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
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  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
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On my oil tank I noticed what looks like an overflow tube is pinched and brazed shut. It also has a small hole drilled in the side upper of the tube. Is this a modification and if so why?
Not an overflow tube - this is the return from the scavenge side of the oil pump. The spigot on the outside leads to chain oiler
Hi Larry - The pinched end is where the tube is attached to the filler neck - the exit hole for the oil is drilled through the side of the tube .
See my blog - “ 750 Combat Roadster Project “ starting on page 11 - post # 208. Read through and you will see that I thought the same as you .
Cheers - RT
Some more progress today. Primed my oil tank, battery tray and side stand.


  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
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  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
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More progress. Painted my oil tank, battery tray and side stand.


  • 1975 Commando 850 restoration
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