I'll help.
1) Dark Brusnwick Green
2) Jag in the picture
Eena, meena, mina, mo,
Catch a mouse by the toe;
If he squeals, let him go,
Eena, meena, mina, mo.
Jag wins - quit thinking about it!
If it were me, I would do the JAG color but ask for the tiniest available silver metal flakes to be added. A few years ago Mini Cooper had a color like that they called British Racing Green Metallic (if I remember right.)
Thier's was slightly lighter than that JAG - matter of taste - I like the JAG color but with a hint of metallic.
Non-standard but when I get around to redoing my 74 850 Roaster rider that's the color I'll use with silver hand pinstripes and silver lettering.