100/100/100 ride on April 9th


Jan 15, 2008
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April 9th is the 100th day of the year.

All you need is a bike whose age, combined with your age, equal at least 100 years. Younger riders and modern bike folks might have to add a passenger's age. (some of you might have to ask your grandma if she's up to it)

Go out and ride 100 miles this saturday, and report back (preferably with pix).

If you are of the politically incorrect sort, you could also "do the ton" (100 MPH).

There are any number of other things you could (eat 100 crawfish, fried pickles or jalapeno poppers).

Let's make it interesting...
Well if I can say that in July this would work, with my age and the 72 Norton. The problem is we are suppose to have rain this weekend. :cry:
I guess this is not quite as intended, but this is my old Enfield I took on a ride a few years back for a similar "Centurions Ride"
(bike + riders age must be 100 or greater. As the Enfield is 1946, this wasn't too difficult.).
The bike parked behind is Des's freshly restored Norton ES2, a 50.

100/100/100 ride on April 9th

BTW, the oldest combination on this ride was 80 year old Frank on his 23 Hen, do the sums....