100/100/100/100 Worldwide Ride


Jan 15, 2008
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Here's the deal:

1. The ride takes place on the 100th day of the year (April 10th this year, a Saturday; Saturdays make it easier for most folks)

2. Age of rider plus bike must equal or exceed 100.

3. You must do the ton (100MPH) at least once during the ride (for those not so inclined, you can do 100KPH)

4. You must ride at least 100 miles.

All fairly easy if you own a classic bike. Plenty of time to prep the bike if it needs work or has been sitting (it happens).

There was a lot of discussion about variations to achieve the 100, such as 50 miles on the way to work then 50 miles on the way back home, or taking a pillion so that your ages would add up to 100, average a minimum of 100KPH for the entire ride, ride in 100 degree heat, whatever you can figure out to have as many 100s in your ride as possible; get creative. 100 miles in 100 minutes - too easy.

Whatever, it's flexible.

There are a bunch of folks on various forums that have done the ride in the last few years since I first started it, and reported back with pix; that's part of the idea. I really thought it might catch on more, but there are a few that have done it 4 or 5 times now. I've only done it twice myself!
A bit difficult in the UK considering we have had travel restrictions because of lockdown.
Whether they will eventually be removed, we'll have to wait and see . . . . .
Lifted our travel limits midnight last .... putting v-groove pine up on basement TV room ceiling , if weather is good and job done , the Norton just needs a tank full , tires topped .... maybe give the 100 a go , thanks for posting GP , ‘bout time for a few laughs .....
A bit difficult in the UK considering we have had travel restrictions because of lockdown.
Whether they will eventually be removed, we'll have to wait and see . . . . .
If you work in construction like I do you can travel to and from work on crowded tube trains (I don't recommend this but if I'm sent out of the yard I have to, my work mates have to do it every day) or on your bike or by any means of transport
Also to and from shops ,just stick a rucksack on and you are on your way to the shops
Forgot all ‘bout it , should have marked calendar , getting forgetful these groundhog days .... guess something to look to next year now ....
Just now read about it, but I did let the old girl loose for 20 or so this morning. She liked it too.
Thought about it, but I was still recovering from my crash, and not quite up to a 100 mile ride. Maybe next year?

Since it is a "100" based ride, there are 100 different excuses allowed NOT to do the ride!

So far, I personally have used several over the years since I started the ride in 2013.

For those who are not members, a BritBike.com member had a T-shirt made for the ride, another member of some group made a trophy. It'[s just for fun, and it's meant to get the classic bikes out on a ride instead of leaving them in the garage.
Was probably raining that day. I don't ride in the rain anymore. Excuse number 1 for me.

I did 192.8 miles May 11th 2021. My bike and I add up to more than 100. Unfortunately, I did not hit 100mph, only 85mph. I forgot about the requirements. I know the bike can do 100mph though.

I'll do it next year if it aint raining. Easy peasy until dementia sets in and I can't find my garage.
No way I'll push my old girl that fast anymore. I could be forced into riding the distance if they up my allotment of pain meds, but I could more easily find a unicorn.... Lastly mine is more of an gracefully aging matron and treated as such.
No way I'll push my old girl that fast anymore. I could be forced into riding the distance if they up my allotment of pain meds, but I could more easily find a unicorn.... Lastly mine is more of an gracefully aging matron and treated as such.

Do the KPH ton. 100KPH (62MPH) is nothing to a matronly Norton twin engine. It's under the speed limit in Texas, isn't it?
So today, you could do a 145/145/145 ride.

You might need a "senior" riding pillion.

145KPH = 90MPH, not too hard to do, 2-up. I've done it plenty...