Light switch positions

Jun 24, 2014
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I want to question if the workshop manual is correct for the left and right handlebar switches in the 1972 wiring diagram. It seems to me there is a typo on the diagram in as much as it is drawn with the switches in the logically correct positions, but labelled illogically. By that I mean that normal convention would put the (non existent) starter motor button and the ignition cutout on the right, and the horn and high/low beam and headlight flasher on the left. The only non normal thing about this setup is that the indicator switch ends up on the right, where it is a bit more awkward to operate, particularly on roundabouts. The other thing about if you have the (non existent) starter button on the left is it ends up at the top of the switch, again out of convention consistency. Who would do that?

Can anyone on here clarify the situation please?

Thanks in advance
This service release started the nonsense:

IMHO, the turn signal switches on the right is silly so I put that console on the left. Putting it on the left also makes up mean right and down mean left which is like ever car I've ever driven. Just put the consoles on the side you like! The wire colors are correct and know that with it on the left, Green/White is right (up) and Green/Red is left (down).
I have a 70 model which I think would be early in the above diagrams. It didn't have any directional lights from the factory, nor when I bought it in 78, but it did have a later model disc brake front end and the later model switch gear arranged in the later model configuration with the dip, horn, and headlight flasher on the left. On the right cluster is the directional switch, kill switch, and extra (future electric start) At some point on the 80's I added the directional lighting and wired it up for the sake of being safer by having directional lights and I also disconnected the kill switch.

IMO, it's just like right foot gear shifting,..... which ever way your bike is set up, you eventually become accustomed to that configuration. If you want to customize your switches, then just put the clusters on the side that you want them on and open the headlight shell and change the connections to wire each switch to the circuit you wish it to control...

I didn't like the short paddles on the directional and headlamp dip switches, so I bought long paddle switches from Eurotrash jambalaya and change them both so they are both easier to reach with my thumbs..
again out of convention consistency. Who would do that?
Depends on when the convention finally became 100%. In the UK in the 80's I worked at Austin Rover and worked on UK and Japanese designed cars, the two stalks on the steering column for lights indicators and wiper control were on opposite sides for UK and Japanese cars. Today they have been standardised.

Buy a Vintage car from the 20's and earlier and the Clutch/Brake/Throttle pedal arrangement was not standard and the controls could be anywhere from the floor to the steering wheel and in different orders.

Thanks to all for the replies. Ultimately the customer will decide which side he wants which switches on, but I was curious as to what the original design intention was. Thanks again
I agree that the turn signals on the right is inherently wrong operationally. To operate them I have to reach over with my left hand. BUT, although I've been meaning to swap the controls for years...I have yet to do it! Part of the reason is probably because I installed an Estart (Alton) many years ago and having the start button on the left is even more weird EVEN THOUGH the turn signals are used far more than the start button. People are strange...
I always put the turn signal switches on the left, easier to use while riding and more like most bikes have them, unless you ride an old airhead.
This service release started the nonsense:

IMHO, the turn signal switches on the right is silly so I put that console on the left. Putting it on the left also makes up mean right and down mean left which is like ever car I've ever driven. Just put the consoles on the side you like! The wire colors are correct and know that with it on the left, Green/White is right (up) and Green/Red is left (down).
That advisory note mentions the indicator change to right side is due to owner requests. Are there owners from the past wanting right side indicator switches? The advisory is also shown as from Canadian dealers, but seems UK also had right side indicators.
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