You could replace the "Dust covers" and O-rings...

...with the "sealed pivot" seals?
That does look like a much better solution
Definitely using 140w, but I guess the o-rings could have gone off, I last replaced them in 1981, but in my head I know I replaced them so they must still be new :rolleyes:
That's why you need a maintenance journal . Log in the maintenance and the dates of . Helps the memory to refresh .
That's why you need a maintenance journal . Log in the maintenance and the dates of . Helps the memory to refresh .
I do record everything, and keep the receipts, thats why I know I changed the O rings in 1981. I could even tell you what I paid for them , but it a very large pile of receipts and I'm sure nobody is interested.

Its more a state of mind that says that everything on the bike that I haven't examined is suspect, everything I've replaced is now OK. But unfortunately some things have been replaced and now need replacing again, I need to adapt to recognise that.
I do record everything, and keep the receipts, thats why I know I changed the O rings in 1981. I could even tell you what I paid for them , but it a very large pile of receipts and I'm sure nobody is interested.

Its more a state of mind that says that everything on the bike that I haven't examined is suspect, everything I've replaced is now OK. But unfortunately some things have been replaced and now need replacing again, I need to adapt to recognise that.
Yes Mike , I also have a bag full of receipts myself ,totaling well over $40,000 over owning 4 Nortons over 50 years . For the first 35 years I kept no maintenance logs on the first 3 . Now I realize the importance of doing so over the past 15 .
That's why you need a maintenance journal . Log in the maintenance and the dates of . Helps the memory to refresh .
Is there a computer versed person taking the challenge of creating an electronic maintenance journal for our bikes? Preferably a program not linked to Excel or other software, thus not affected by becoming out of date.

- Knut
One of the best "upgrades" I did to my Commando was to blank off the chain oiler pipe from the oil tank with silver solder!
Is there a computer versed person taking the challenge of creating an electronic maintenance journal for our bikes? Preferably a program not linked to Excel or other software, thus not affected by becoming out of date.

- Knut
There probably is out there in the cloudy thing . I use paper and pen . Whenever I do any work it's written down with date and recorded as an ongoing maintenance event . It never ends , until the next person takes over .
Don't forget about factors like : The earth's magnetic poles reversing suddenly , without warning . We are presently overdue .
Remember this forum started off with friendly , free , Photobucket ?
Giant solar flares that toast computer programs .
Hackers who steal into programs just for fun and profit . My bank just got hacked / compromised info . Thank god I don't do online , which was targeted . Nothing to see here , my bank's public statement , not in those words .

O.K. , a tad paranoid , and I don't smoke the weed . Just having fun with everyone , that's why I joined the Flat Earth Society , just for the fun of it .
Ask me where and how I met flat earth people . Enjoy .
The Earth is most certainly not flat. If it was, the cats would have pushed us off the edge by now.

I scribble notes on the last pages of the workshop manuals. The problem is reading my own writing years later.
I scribble purely technical notes into all 5 of my manuals . Jammed with notes . The 3 earlier manuals are all oily and greasy from fixing things when I was poor and asking for help from other brit bike folks nearby . We all helped each other . Still do , but here .
We both know nowadays the earth is not flat . Only 100 years ago or so people believed . I met a man on a remote Indonesian island only 30 years ago who was not to budge . He asked me how I got to his island . I drew a globe in the sand with a stick . He guided me up a hill where the Christians had leveled the local Pagan temple and built a cross topped cairn . We looked out at the ocean and he said if you sail into the distance you would fall over the edge . No argument from me , we went downhill to the beach , to collect coconuts .
The Earth is most certainly not flat. If it was, the cats would have pushed us off the edge by now.

I scribble notes on the last pages of the workshop manuals. The problem is reading my own writing years later.
Careful what you say, 10 cats here!
One of the best "upgrades" I did to my Commando was to blank off the chain oiler pipe from the oil tank with silver solder!
If any of you do this be careful. I did it and I am embarrased to admit that the first time I started the bike I discovered that I had soldered the return line closed with the original solder plugging it, preventing oil return and blowing the oil line off if the filter housing. I had to remove the tank and correct the problem before restarting the engine. Not my finest moment but I did not realize the solder used on the tank originally would reflow so easily.