961 Cat converter delete


Jul 12, 2015
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Hello Everyone
I’m thinking of deleting the Cat converters and have a couple of questions…… My bike has high flow, long style mufflers, with the original Cat pipe in place. Also the ecu was remapped by D.Cootes. I believe the map was ok for operation with or without the Cat in place.
1) Is Thiel Motosports the only source for a delete pipe?
2) has anyone used their new design with original design mufflers? I’m interested in fitment….
3) oil draining with the de Cat pipe…… I think I remember something that with the De Cat pipe, the drain plug was a challenge to get at?
Is the Thiel pipe better for this?
961 Cat converter delete
961 Cat converter delete
961 Cat converter delete
In case you were wondering what’s inside the cat pipe ? , it decated it self , how bout that
The other option is to approach your local motorcycle exhaust specialist Charlotte. Easy job to cut out the cat sections and weld in straight through sections. The cats - not insubstantial, weighty lumps of metal as you can see! Assuming your bike has the same cats.

If you have excessive vibration through the bars, also a good time to look at deleting the centre exhaust hanger that is commonly thought to be responsible for much of that vibration.

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Hmmm…. I like that idea Stephan on the existing cat mod…….. The center exhaust hanger comment…. Does that put an extra strain on any other of the mounts?
Hmmm…. I like that idea Stephan on the existing cat mod…….. The center exhaust hanger comment…. Does that put an extra strain on any other of the mounts?
As I understand it, when the exhausts are fully bolted up as designed they can create a tension that results in vibration (likely through misaligned), that may be felt in the bars (and seat/pegs?). As a result, many centre exhaust hangers (including my own) failed. The reduced vibration was noted as a lucky by-product of the failures.

The exhausts appear sufficiently secure with header bolts, exhaust junction clamps and rear hanger fitted correctly; you’d need to check this on your own machine though. The hand made nature of the exhausts/bike means they’re all gonna be different.

If your centre hanger is still in place and vibration is acceptable to you then I’d leave it in place. Weighting foot pegs and fitting bar end mirrors has also been shown to reduce vibrations.
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If you want to de-cat your own centre section, remove it from the bike, then find a piece of close fitting pipe, sharpen one end, and with the exhaust on a piece of wood sat on a concrete floor, hammer the pipe through the cat. You can leave the remainder or unwind it out.
I was wondering about punching the Cat converter through but didn’t know how problematic that might be… sounds like it could be an option….
I havent crawled under the bike to get a close look but is the OEM cat section an H or X pipe design?
What about the Thiel de Cat option? H or X or none?
I was wondering about punching the Cat converter through but didn’t know how problematic that might be… sounds like it could be an option….
I havent crawled under the bike to get a close look but is the OEM cat section an H or X pipe design?
What about the Thiel de Cat option? H or X or none?
If you look at the Thiel website it shows an H crossover.