1973 Norton Commando 750/850 Frame up rebuild

Apr 2, 2024
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So, I have been passed down a frame up rebuild with the engine fully assembled and the gearbox disassembled, while I am familiar with automotive this is the first bike that I will be dealing with I am very excited to get it started but it seems daunting. I'm currently working on rebuilding the gear box and am not sure where to start when doing the rebuild, I would hate to start strapping things to the frame in the wrong order. I would really appreciate any insight or tips from rebuild veterans, or anyone with more experience than me. Feel free to reach out to me by email at, joncoffee0824@gmail.com with any help.
So, I have been passed down a frame up rebuild with the engine fully assembled and the gearbox disassembled, while I am familiar with automotive this is the first bike that I will be dealing with I am very excited to get it started but it seems daunting. I'm currently working on rebuilding the gear box and am not sure where to start when doing the rebuild, I would hate to start strapping things to the frame in the wrong order. I would really appreciate any insight or tips from rebuild veterans, or anyone with more experience than me. Feel free to reach out to me by email at, joncoffee0824@gmail.com with any help.
The shop manual goes step-by-step.

Free download in the "Resources" section.
You could also fill us in on WHAT MODEL Commando you have, as several sections & details vary with different models, especially the '75 MkIII with e-start.
So, I have been passed down a frame up rebuild with the engine fully assembled and the gearbox disassembled, while I am familiar with automotive this is the first bike that I will be dealing with I am very excited to get it started but it seems daunting. I'm currently working on rebuilding the gear box and am not sure where to start when doing the rebuild, I would hate to start strapping things to the frame in the wrong order. I would really appreciate any insight or tips from rebuild veterans, or anyone with more experience than me. Feel free to reach out to me by email at, joncoffee0824@gmail.com with any help.
Hi, welcome. 🍻

You'll need to post pictures. Either use a web hosting site, or pony up a few bucks here. (You've come to the premier Norton forum).

Engine & trans bolt to a common cradle, (swing arm as well), which is rubber mounted to the frame.

As mentioned, we'll need more info. And pictures.
Welcome to the forum Jon.
You may find some local Norton owners in your area through the INOA. Find your state and look for contacts under chapters. Good to have a second opinion from someone more experienced. Like grandpaul stated, start with the shop manual for your year bike. There is a wealth of information at the top of the green banner on the Norton Commando Forum section. Pictures help us so you can join up or use a site like Post Image. Hope you have fun. FYI...you will need to put your gearbox in the cradle first, then the engine.
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So, I have been passed down a frame up rebuild with the engine fully assembled and the gearbox disassembled, while I am familiar with automotive this is the first bike that I will be dealing with I am very excited to get it started but it seems daunting. I'm currently working on rebuilding the gear box and am not sure where to start when doing the rebuild, I would hate to start strapping things to the frame in the wrong order. I would really appreciate any insight or tips from rebuild veterans, or anyone with more experience than me. Feel free to reach out to me by email at, joncoffee0824@gmail.com with any help.
Look here: https://gregmarsh.com/MC/Norton/Index.aspx and here: https://gregmarsh.com/MC/Export/Index.aspx

This one started with only the matching numbers, titled, frame and cases and it is probably the most complete: https://gregmarsh.com/MC/Norton/Norton_1974.aspx Even if your not doing an 850., it would still be good to read through - many difficulties overcome.

On the left side are builds I've documented. Find the closest one to what you are doing or read several. You will also find my email and phone number there.