Advice for when I go to a swap meet....

Jun 6, 2023
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I have a 1973 Commando 850 and hope to build up some backup spares in case of massive failure...

I have just bought a spare 1973 gearbox for parts and am looking for an RH4 head thanks to the Forums wisdom!
Just in case I ever need a new crankshaft or conrods, can anyone advise me which years and serial number are compatible?

With thanks

Love good food, beer and travel but am hoping to learn what year and serial number engines are compatible with my
1973 850 engine just in case I need parts
Love good food, beer and travel but am hoping to learn what year and serial number engines are compatible with my
1973 850 engine just in case I need parts
Well, I have a spare set of '74 850 cases. Oiled & stored in a plastic tote.

I was poking fun at myself, and the "doomsday prepping" of moto parts.

Also the propensity to drag home "good junk"

I walked around the Daytona flea market this year, found zero Norton parts.

This one, has plenty, I'm told. (For the East Coast constituants)

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I have a 1973 Commando 850 and hope to build up some backup spares in case of massive failure...

I have just bought a spare 1973 gearbox for parts and am looking for an RH4 head thanks to the Forums wisdom!
Just in case I ever need a new crankshaft or conrods, can anyone advise me which years and serial number are compatible?

With thanks

Before a crankshaft, I would look for a standard or +20 cylinders in spec and especially if with good tappets. Tappets are very expensive and finding cylinders that don't need to be bored is always a score. Consider taking a micrometer and telescoping gauge (3"-4") with you to inspect them. No scoring and less than .003" taper from top to bottom is good.

Years is not useful - often wrong as Norton had no "model year". Not an exact answer on crankshafts, but I would stick with greater than 141700 and less than 325000.

BTW, to me, a massive failure usually means you need a crankcase set. Finding a whole bottom end which turns freely is sometimes cheaper than a crank alone and if the timing side is all together other good parts come with it and you can assume the parts all go with it so serial greater than 300000 and less than 325000.
The main consumables I have seen on a norton are valves, valve guides, timing chain, timing chain tensioner. All things I would not buy used. Having an extra cylinder that is stock bore is not the worst idea.

Things I would buy when a good deal comes up, as I see inflation on these things continuing to run rampant, main bearings, trans bearings, rod bearings (USA Made), and valves.
Save your money for a billet crankshaft. Once installed, you will not have to worry about a massive failure anymore.
Other than that, regular maintenance and replacement of wearing parts pays off ....

- Knut
For me, the big ticket item is my time. I'm not experienced enough to just grab the tools and open up the engine, primary, or whatever. So, I have research time, as well as spanner time. So, I take the view, if I'm in there, I'll replace anything which might be considered remotely 'consumable '.

As a consequence, after jobs, I'm left with a (growing!) group of removed parts that might be OK, one day. I keep them. They'll almost certainly never see daylight again, until my children throw them away...
In the early years only motorcycle swap meets where great, British bike parts galore, but these days the parts you are seeking is far or non-existent or if you do find what you are seeking people as asking way too much and sometimes cheaper in the long run to buy new bits, well that is how it is in Aus, might be different your way, most of the bike only swap meets these days are dealers trying to get your money out of your pocket and most parts are so worn or just junk and they still want an arm and leg for, haggle is your best friend but so many sellers these days want more, in the old days someone's junk was someone else treasure, but a lot of swap meets are now taken over by bic/bac sellers although the sign at the gate say MCs only.

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its the same with swap meets here in the midwest of the USA as well. Yes, there are a few such as the Davenport swap meet in Ipwa that do have the parts you might need (albeit spendy), but the majority of them have little of interest thats not junk. The days of building a bike from swap meets is over for sure.
Yeah the last CVMG swap meet I went to with a car full of used Norton parts , they all sold over 2 days there for cash . Fun with camping . There was another vendor there , selling British new stock , spread out all over the tarps on the lawn , overpriced . No . Used my money to buy oils and a rare find Norton Seat . A very windy dusty weekend ( normal I was told ) at the Paris Fairgrounds ( Ontario , Canada ) . I will attend again this year .
I went to one in Kent last month. Never seen so much rust! Managed to get some c-clip pliers for under £2, which went into a vinegar bath when I got home, to rescue them. But the bike spares were shockingly bad. Good day out though.

On the other hand, I've managed to get some excellent (non-Norton) used parts on ebay. Cylinder head with valves, head cover, rear hub with drum, 4 Keihins. All have worked and were as described or better. Some of these parts were no longer available (genuine nor pattern), so rescued me. Some would have been 10 x what I paid. Total spend was less than £400. But risky, buyer beware.
I did buy a rebuilt gearbox with serial number about 310,000 for $500 recently from a fellow in Canada.
I plan to take it apart this winter to learn as I am only into Norton for the last year

But I hope tp prove some of you wrong by finding, for a really low price, a head or engine bits that I can use in case of failure.

If I find nothing... I will be silent and it is end of thread!!
