TVS Norton contact representative


Jul 12, 2015
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Hello everyone.
I’m in the process of getting a Collector license plate. I’m in British Columbia , Canada. The licensing agent here( ICBC) can issue a plate of a vehicle that is 15 years old , if the vehicle is limited product( I’m pretty sure its less than 200 units).
My 961 is 2013 SE #114 and I realize I’m too soon for the 15 year mark but figured it might take me a few years to figure this out so thought I might get started on it.
Norton Canada, when it existed, had stated that there were only 6-7 SE’s that were brought into canada, with my SE’s options( SE options but with full Carbon fiber option including wheels). My bike also has the plate on the triple tree of the bike number( 114 of 200).
ICBC needs a paperwork from the manufacturer, on manufacturer letterhead, stating that the bike is a limited edition of less then 200.
Does anyone know of a person at TVS Norton that could possibly find any records of the original 200 run of bikes that would be willing to draft up a letter?
I realize that there might be some controversy over the actual number of the original 200 units. And I’ve also heard that TVS doesn't really want to get involved in the non TVS era bikes so much.
I might be on a wild goose chase but thought I would ask the group if they knew anyone that might be helpful at TVS Norton.
Thanks in advance!
Stuart at Motorvated would be your best bet followed by Norton Owners Club. TVS do not want to know.

Hello everyone.
I’m in the process of getting a Collector license plate. I’m in British Columbia , Canada. The licensing agent here( ICBC) can issue a plate of a vehicle that is 15 years old , if the vehicle is limited product( I’m pretty sure its less than 200 units).
My 961 is 2013 SE #114 and I realize I’m too soon for the 15 year mark but figured it might take me a few years to figure this out so thought I might get started on it.
Norton Canada, when it existed, had stated that there were only 6-7 SE’s that were brought into canada, with my SE’s options( SE options but with full Carbon fiber option including wheels). My bike also has the plate on the triple tree of the bike number( 114 of 200).
ICBC needs a paperwork from the manufacturer, on manufacturer letterhead, stating that the bike is a limited edition of less then 200.
Does anyone know of a person at TVS Norton that could possibly find any records of the original 200 run of bikes that would be willing to draft up a letter?
I realize that there might be some controversy over the actual number of the original 200 units. And I’ve also heard that TVS doesn't really want to get involved in the non TVS era bikes so much.
I might be on a wild goose chase but thought I would ask the group if they knew anyone that might be helpful at TVS Norton.
Thanks in advance!
You could try contacting David Coote. He was Dealer and would do warranty work for Norton Canada. He told me that there are 50 Norton 961 in Canada
Stuart at Motorvated would be your best bet followed by Norton Owners Club. TVS do not want to know.

I aint got a scooby doo tbh, as the overseas 961SE's were different to the ukdm 2010/11 SE's.....even of those we're not sure how many were produced.
Thanks VMI. I have spoke to Dave about it a few times. Also Peter Howes, who ran Norton Canada when it was a thing, stated to me also about the low production units. I’m pretty sure that my bike is one of the so called 200 units worldwide but ICBC registry is very rigid on their requirements like “manufacturer letterhead” and build details on the vehicle regarding how many units. They technically wont accept a picture showing the triple tree plaque stating #114 of 200.
Thanks Stu on your info too.
I’ll reach out again to Dave C and seed if he or Richard have any contacts that could help. I’m thinking not, but you never know!
Thanks VMI. I have spoke to Dave about it a few times. Also Peter Howes, who ran Norton Canada when it was a thing, stated to me also about the low production units. I’m pretty sure that my bike is one of the so called 200 units worldwide but ICBC registry is very rigid on their requirements like “manufacturer letterhead” and build details on the vehicle regarding how many units. They technically wont accept a picture showing the triple tree plaque stating #114 of 200.
Thanks Stu on your info too.
I’ll reach out again to Dave C and seed if he or Richard have any contacts that could help. I’m thinking not, but you never know!
Peter would be the person to talk to. He was Norton Canada CEO and importer into Canada. Hee we may have info. Are you the first owner of the bike? Maybe somebody could update but I would think that the SE would come with paper work stating the 1 of 200. The sales person that sold me my 961 commando CR told me that I should keep the crate the bike was shipped in and some info was stapled on the crate. Good info
I’m not sure…. Thats one reason why I’m trying to get some paperwork for my records just in case something crappy were to happen in the future……
TVS bought the assets and none of the liabilities as it was out of receivership , they see the Garner era as a taint on Norton's History best forgotten including the owners. It is best forgotten but the owners should be the exception and like Porsche do they should be looked after.

You are right to work on the issue now but you may have to wait until TVS set up some organisation or dealers in Canada who may take a different attitude to current owners.
That makes sense……….
Slightly off topic,……. Has anyone heard of TVS’s plan to sell the bikes outside of the UK? I’m sure it’s in the plans….. I would have to sell off a kidney but would love to have a chance on a V4.
They can't sell anything as new out of the UK as nothing they currently sell is homologated, and never will be imo. The 961 has bob hope of passing the latest homologation regs, it was fudged to scrape through euro 4 over six years ago. And the V4 wouldn't be worth the investment on such a small run of bikes to even consider trying to get it homologated.....just concentrate the money on a whole new line up.
Norton looks like it will sell bikes on the Indian market this year.
Are you talking about these references Mn?

IMG_0003.jpeg TVS Norton contact representative

Anything’s possible I suppose:oops:! I mean check out this new ‘all year round sun shade’ - definitely gonna order one of those for the CR!
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The Indian press is littered with the articles. Nice sun shade, that'll keep the family cool.
All I can find are what appear to be multiple generic car/bike websites like those shown above Mn, that seem to be using Norton import ‘announcements’ as click bait - no detail beyond approx price and spurious dates. Including for Dominator and Atlas!

Can’t find anything in the (rather sparse) Indian motorcycle press (Bike - India, Performance Bikes - India etc). Post a link if you can find something more definitive/credible. That would centainly be interesting, especially if one of the bikes is the Atlas. Unlikely IMO but hey, ‘stranger things’ as they say!
Their stand at Baharat says it all, the V4, and a couple of bikes masquerading as their current product which don't seem right, the bike on show lacking exhaust guard for the rider is one.
How can anyone actually believe that after 4 years, TVS Norton still hasn’t released a single new bike, a single new design, a single announcement of anything?

Some people are so easily fooled by their own hopes and dreams that they can’t believe in reality.

In the meantime, other newly formed or start up brands are rolling out new models that consumers can actually buy.