Unity Equip . . Dont Bother

Many despise the guy.

Many others have used him for years and continue to do so.

I’ve only used him very seldom, but have never had an issue.
His part supply to new zealand and Australia to a couple of dealers i know is fairly substantial and sometimes you got to take whats on offer or wait weeks
I delt with him years ago in the days of phone ordering (confirmed now)..when I was a young fella and he sold me a 7s cam saying it's great for street bike use and that he was running one in his workshop bike.
Those lumpy cams won't even turn over with out machining out the cam tunnel !!...which is long gone now
None of us know what's going on behind the scenes. We think our orders go into some well oiled machine that takes the order and spits out packages on the other end. The truth is a lot of these businesses are small, sole proprietorships with no help.

(not bike related) Almost a year ago now, I placed an order for some 3D printed pipes (no, not exhaust pipes but bagpipes. You might laugh but they are light weight, relativity cheap and sound fine. I wanted a set of travel pipes that didn't mind airplane luggage dangers but I regress.) Just after placing my order Dave was diagnosed with a massive infection that settled in some hardware that had been installed after an accident years ago. He had emergency surgery and then a course of some pretty strong antibiotics. He lost his home, he almost lost his ability to walk and he has a laundry list of unfilled back orders. Now he has heart issues. There are a lot of people that are mad at him and I get that but I am not one of those. I really feel for the guy. He was trying to help the piping community by producing an entry level instrument. At least he is not taking new orders. It could happen to anyone. I still keep in touch. I hope that one day I'll get my order but I am not holding my breath.


My guess is that quite a few of our Norton vendors are around our age and are one accident or one illness away for a major business catastrophe. Sh*t happens.
Last I talked with Roger at RGM I said I would email him with a detailed question. He responded " Please don't, I have several hundred emails waiting for answers right now. It would take me several days to answer them and I can't take that time away from the rest of the business. I don't know what I'm going to do."
He sounded completely exhausted and overwhelmed. The business that he and his wife could handle nicely 10 years ago was now too much for them. My guess is that the business was growing while their energy was waning.
This was about a year ago and I suspect he has hired some help as there was a new person taking phone in parts orders a couple of months ago.
At some point though, it all has to go , or be handed off to a younger crew.

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Last I talked with Roger at RGM I said I would email him with a detailed question. He responded " Please don't, I have several hundred emails waiting for answers right now. It would take me several days to answer them and I can't take that time away from the rest of the business. I don't know what I'm going to do."
He sounded completely exhausted and overwhelmed. The business that he and his wife could handle nicely 10 years ago was now too much for him.
This was about a year ago and I suspect he has hired some help as there was a new person taking parts orders a couple of months ago.
At some point though, it all has to go , or be handed off to a younger crew.

This was something I was going to point out, It's overwhelming. Even getting a business closed of overwhelming. Hiring help is overwhelming when a lot of your inventory management is in your head. Managing the money is overwhelming when there is never enough and when even getting things shut down costs money. My fear is that we are losing vendors.
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None of us know what's going on behind the scenes. We think our orders go into some well oiled machine that takes the order and spits out packages on the other end. The truth is a lot of these businesses are small, sole proprietorships with no help.

(not bike related) Almost a year ago now, I placed an order for some 3D printed pipes (no, not exhaust pipes but bagpipes. You might laugh but they are light weight, relativity cheap and sound fine. I wanted a set of travel pipes that didn't mind airplane luggage dangers but I regress.) Just after placing my order Dave was diagnosed with a massive infection that settled in some hardware that had been installed after an accident years ago. He had emergency surgery and then a course of some pretty strong antibiotics. He lost his home, he almost lost his ability to walk and he has a laundry list of unfilled back orders. Now he has heart issues. There are a lot of people that are mad at him and I get that but I am not one of those. I really feel for the guy. He was trying to help the piping community by producing an entry level instrument. At least he is not taking new orders. It could happen to anyone. I still keep in touch. I hope that one day I'll get my order but I am not holding my breath.


My guess is that quite a few of our Norton vendors are around our age and are one accident or one illness away for a major business catastrophe. Sh*t happens.
Sounds like a good case for universal health care.