Where to put the gasket?

Dec 2, 2009
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With the 2S cam fitted there's 0.040" clearance between the valves and the std 850 pistons - Perfect! But that's with a base gasket (0.030") but no head gasket. So what would be the prefered method to seal the base joint and cylinder head? - I'm thinking I could cut a paper base gasket and and fill the rest of the 0.030" with a thin copper head gasket (and copper wire!) or buy a 0.015" copper sheet and cut that for the base and head gaskets?
What's the context?
Race engine? Road rider? Having 40 thou clearance between piston and valve is the goal?
What about assembling it with no base gasket and an old head gasket - does that meet your needs?
I just use Yammbond on the base and normal copper head gasket with my 850 2S set up, but my head has been shaved, have had no problem at all doing this set for 42 years now.
With the 2S cam fitted there's 0.040" clearance between the valves and the std 850 pistons - Perfect! But that's with a base gasket (0.030") but no head gasket. So what would be the prefered method to seal the base joint and cylinder head? - I'm thinking I could cut a paper base gasket and and fill the rest of the 0.030" with a thin copper head gasket (and copper wire!) or buy a 0.015" copper sheet and cut that for the base and head gaskets?
A liberal application of Spray Copper Coat on both sides of the shim.

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