To all fishermen and Far north Australia


Jul 11, 2010
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Well the other day up in Far North Queensland a fisherman fishing on the bank of a river was taken by a big salty crocodile his mates heard a big splash in the water where he was fishing and no sign of the fisherman or the crocodile and after 3 day still no sign of him.
This fisherman lived up that way all his life and knows the risks of fishing these waters but he must have took that risk a bit far and now talking about culling again back in the 50s, 60s and early 70s it was open house and nearly wiped them out, they been protected since the early 70s and now they have built up numbers again.
If any fishermen visit Australia and far north of Aus you just got to be aware of the danger of fishing these waters and never swim in those places but here in Aus we have more shark attacks each year than croc attacks.
There have been some big crocs caught and removed some over 8mtr in length now that's big.
Just thought I put this up as here in Aus we have a lot of things that want to eat you and travellers need to understand that, the water might look good but dangers lurk.
A lot of motorcyclers are fishermen.
You heard about the young ringer who went on his first cattle drive up in the cape country?
On the second evening the boss told the young bloke to go down to the nearby creek and fill all the canteens with water.
So... he collected the canteens and headed down. Not five minutes later he ran up the the boss, with sheer terror in his eyes and screamed "There's crocs in that creek boss!!"
The boss replied "Hah! They're only freshies. They're probably more scared of you that you are of them!"
"In that case boss" the young bloke said, "that water's not fit for drinking!"

PS: Salties are a different kettle of fish. Have to be quite wary, even around here. They've taken a dog or two in our river (Boyne River).
If you're fishing near mud & mangroves then extra care is sensible
You can swim with fresh water crocs but salties are a different kettle of fish but salties will live in fresh water and have found them where they shouldn't be, they have also been seen off shore far from land.
Many years ago 4 of us hired a houseboat for a week up Hinchinbrook we were anchor in one of the creeks and 2 mates jumped in their fishing boat and was using their electric motor trolling the creek when they trolling along a high creek bank and a startled salty croc slid off the bank straight over the top of them and hit the water on the other side of their boat, they sh#t themselves and came back to the houseboat white as ghosts and to clean out their pants 😆
We been up there for 5 days and haven sighted a crocodile till then, I asked them where and I grabbed my axe and jumped in my tinnie to go look.
Well it was easy to find where it happened a high creek bank and the slide marks on the muddy bank where it slid over the top of them and by the marks in the mud it would have been at lease 4 to 5 mtr croc it was a big one.
At night we could hear the baby crocs crying out and on the second last day I saw my first croc swimming along the river bank cross from where we stayed the night swam so silently without a splash.
I have a cousin up Cape York on the Edward River her and her husband manage the local crocodile farm they have taken on some big removed crocs that got to close to human settlements and boat ramps are dangerous places, they hang around where fishermen clean their catches and if you stand in the water they could be lurking right in front of you and you wouldn't know till it's too late, a few have escaped their jaws by poking then in the eye.
Well it's been over 4 days now and still no sign of the fisherman.
Yes very sad indeed but up North it's part of life and you got to respect that the crocs are there all rivers and creeks are signs posted to the dangers of crocodiles and this fisherman has lived up there for his whole life, you can understand tourist's and travellers getting into troubles and not understanding the dangers but someone who lived up there and he ran the Lura pub which is in the thick of crocodile country.
Just heard on the radio they have caught 2 crocodiles and killed them to examine them as they were caught in the area he went missing and think they were involved in his taking, one was a 8 mtr and the other one 6 mtr this was up on the Kennedy River in a national park on Cape York far north Queensland, google maps it and you see its way from everywhere, it's the real outback of Australia and 4x4 country.
My cousin has a cattle station on the west side of Cape York between Edward River and Halroy River Southwell Station, its real bush country I spent 2 weeks up there in 1990 as my dad lived there, well he built their house but he came home during the wet season as no one gets around in the wet season.
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I remember when I was up in Darwin years ago looking a big Salt Crocodiles just off the local wharf ....bugger that ... sharks dont seem so bad really
A tragic day.....
I've always said Australia is man's country ...if you like outdoor recreation
Without a doubt the big saltwater monsters of Australia are the baddest bad boys around...this big boy over 500 kilos got his ass kicked out a few days later by a relative twice as big.
I am looking for the picture.
Wild Cayman from the Agua Boa river of South America.

I love Australia. They should have big posters of crocs, brown snakes, funnel web spiders, box jellyfish the lot at all the immigration centres with the words “do your really want to come here”
Keep the bastards out!
I love Australia as well but keeping people out come on, it's mostly Aussie's that have been eaten by crocs and sharks people who get to relaxed in the dangers as well it can't happen to me attitude.

They have cut the stomach contents of the smaller croc and have found evidence it was involved in the taking of the fisherman and the bigger croc will be cut open soon looking for evidence.
What i meant earlier was when camping collecting fire wood... taking a swim/dive...riding/driving across the nullarbor plain...or the great northern high way....there are plenty of creatures that will can potentially...screw up your day
We don't have snakes ..crocodiles camels... kangaroo's...buffalo's ...which makes outdoor foraging/camping/swimming/fishing/motoring so risky...
I love Australia as well but keeping people out come on, it's mostly Aussie's that have been eaten by crocs and sharks people who get to relaxed in the dangers as well it can't happen to me attitude.

They have cut the stomach contents of the smaller croc and have found evidence it was involved in the taking of the fisherman and the bigger croc will be cut open soon looking for evidence.
WTF it was tongue in cheek FFS
I love Australia. They should have big posters of crocs, brown snakes, funnel web spiders, box jellyfish the lot at all the immigration centres with the words “do your really want to come here”
Keep the bastards out!
You've gotta REALLY want it...
Mixed feelings about this. A creature that has reached this position in the food chain really should be in its own environment - and maybe we should be accomodating its freedom. But I also want to be able to ogle this beautiful monster through the window, without becoming dinner. Like I say, mixed feelings!

For some reason Cassius reminds me of my ex-wife! Just not as scary!! :oops:

To all fishermen and Far north Australia
We call kiwi’s “our brothers across the ditch”
The Aussies are our brothers too...but for some reason they are more grounded than the Kiwi's ...I say its because of your general hourly rate..and the bang for your buck$
Well it was confirmed human remains in the smaller croc stomach and its funny how the size of the crocs caught and killed have downsized the small croc 3 mtr in length and the bigger one 4 mtr these news reporters must be fishermen lol big difference from the first report of the 2 crocs caught was claimed to be 8 mtr and the other one 6 mtr but no news if the bigger croc had human remains in it stomach, no matter what size they are they are powerful hunters.
