Replacing original mudguards on a '65 Jubilee with after market chrome

Jun 24, 2022
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Hi all, having had no success in locating original front and rear mudguards for my 1965 Norton Jubilee, I'm going for aftermarket chrome replacements. Does anyone have any experience with getting the correct size replacements or information on equivalent mudguards on different models? There seems to be a myriad of different types and sizes out there so any information would be appreciated. Many Thanks.
Many thanks for the reply. I mailed them asking for advice but nothing back yet. I suspect they may not be interested in replying as I was asking, as my post above shows, if they could advise what would be correct for a '65 Jubilee. They have quite a curt message on their site stating that if you phone them about a mudguard, you must have certain measurements on hand "so please have an answer ready!" it says quite emphatically. Doesn't really help me though as I don't have anything to measure. The bike came without mudguards so that's the advise I was looking for.
Probably worth having a look at the Norton Owner's club website. They have a number of posters who are interested in this model and are very knowledgeable about parts, etc
Pic off an Auction listed as for Jubilee.

Replacing original mudguards on a '65 Jubilee with after market chrome
If you are not going for original maybe take a look at getting a pair of universal stainless mudguard blades
Get the ones to suit your wheel diameter
Easy to buy or make the mudguard braces
£60! Makes me weep, they look in good condition.

Thanks Baz, I'm just worried I'll end up like this. The rear was even worse - cracked to try and make it fit!

Replacing original mudguards on a '65 Jubilee with after market chrome
£60! Makes me weep, they look in good condition.

Thanks Baz, I'm just worried I'll end up like this. The rear was even worse - cracked to try and make it fit!

Replacing original mudguards on a '65 Jubilee with after market chrome
Looks like the front is made for a 19" rim
Is your jubilee 18" ?
The radii on that Jubilee is too large, I would speak to Autocycle and ask if they know the width, radius etc of the Jubilee and if they can get close with their universal.
Thanks, yes I have 18" inch tyres on the bike. I'm hoping the width ,depth and shape are not to difficult to assess. I didn't get a reply from my last email to Autocycle but I'll send another and see if they'll reply. I'll be joining the Norton Owners Club to take advantage of their dating service so I can register the bike, so as suggested, perhaps the Lightweight Twins forum can also help. To be honest, although the original mudguards are more correct and suit the early versions of the bike, I think they look clumsy on the latter versions. Like the one below. I think that a set of universal stainless or chrome mudguards, if they fit right, of course (lol) look much better. Thanks all for the input.

Replacing original mudguards on a '65 Jubilee with after market chrome
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Just FYI, reply back from Autocycle, they cant help unless I give them measurements. Currently joining the Norton Owners Club.
Thanks, yes I have 18" inch tyres on the bike. I'm hoping the width ,depth and shape are not to difficult to assess. I didn't get a reply from my last email to Autocycle but I'll send another and see if they'll reply. I'll be joining the Norton Owners Club to take advantage of their dating service so I can register the bike, so as suggested, perhaps the Lightweight Twins forum can also help. To be honest, although the original mudguards are more correct and suit the early versions of the bike, I think they look clumsy on the latter versions. Like the one below. I think that a set of universal stainless or chrome mudguards, if they fit right, of course (lol) look much better. Thanks all for the input.

Replacing original mudguards on a '65 Jubilee with after market chrome
If I were you I'd just buy universal stainless mudguards
And make them fit
Here's a front one I fitted to my BSA last year, albeit a 19" wheel


  • Replacing original mudguards on a '65 Jubilee with after market chrome
    208.7 KB · Views: 167
That looks excellent Baz. If I can get that fit I'd be very happy. How did you solve the stays? Also, is that stainless?
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Thank you Baz, are your mudguards stainless or polished alloy? Do you have a pic of the completed bikw?
I use 13mm Stainless Steel for the stays, I have alloy dies to form the flat ends and shape the blending from tube to flat, dress to a circle on end and then drill holes.