You can see the WASSELL ' Mega's on BOTH inna da picture . These came in 1 1/2 , 1 5/8 , 1 3/4 header sizes . ( look at the CHROME ones at right for a clear view of the radius rolled ENDS . )
Now a ' std. ' mega aint got nuffin in it ! cept maybe a ' revrse cone ' on the aft to ' further manipulate the pulse waves ' so as to get a bit of Mid - Range & sucklike . (

THESE - have a 2 in (odd ) O. D. fully perforated tube - to the exit ( a 1/2 in flange for the baffle flange - the pulses wreck the alloy rivets - P. K. screws , tight . are a Necessity )
they ave a little fully perforated washer alf way down the toob .
( Afterthought . nobody ever mentioned ' glass pack ' with these ' tubes ' Do Able as the baffles are removeable . BUT the ' enhancement '
from the tube being Red Hot to ignite the Unburnt Fuel - is what ' enhances ' the operation . These are 16 G ? STEEL about twice as thick
as old original Pea Shooters . At least as by the time the F'Glass has GONE - Leaving the Same Perforated Tube - But ' other ' cone configuration .
The soulfull bellow from the resonace of the material , is absent in the pea shooters - a crackling rattle ? issueing resonance from the thinner material .
We have to assume the pea shooter ' cones ' are a scientific calculation , and the Glass Pack a secondary neccesity . For a Road Bike . as were the mutes .
REGULATIONS as to how far you were allowed to disturb the neigbours - and rattle their windows . This is less of a consideration for rural types ,
as they generally slow down in suberbia , whereas town types tended to get it on ' out of town ' as they wernt used to The Wide open Spaces .
Therfore , at the CORRECT HEADER LENGTH ( to catch the p-pulses ) the heavens open . Rarther'n going flat at 90 in 3rd , under uphill ,

She runs out to 105 . PEAK shifted from 7 to 8-1 and Un Impeded past to 8-5 .
onna da Flat , just offa da full fropple , She Runs Out to 105 inna da 3rd , onna da stop she pulla da 110 , but ya gotta Be right there -
And catch that TOP Real accurate An da Sharp Like , orra she blow . but she neva did . she just sounda like she go ' Ka - BOOM . Real Big .
she go ' Ka - Boomb onna the cam , whenna the throttles on - Away she Goe - Hard Like , An dinna stop revving till like past 8000 .
way Past .
aska da Boys . any one done know . Only Hart him a De other rider - Him take em to bits too , once . ' Donna taker past 90 ' - In third '
( She comes on the pipes at 90 in third on 3/4 throttle )
270 main jets , 1 5/32 monoblocks . Top Line ' flowed ' 62 head . Dosnt impeed the ports like the nine stud .
" I Dinna go Ova 90 in third - True . " ( Nods ) " I hadem way Before that - i didnt need to " Dumb shir , Yer Change up at 90 on My Bike . Laddie !
O.K. For those that dont speak ENGLISH . A unadulterated Mega enhances Top end Breathing .
A ' enhanced ' one can go ballistic . A Revrse Cone as a Cap - as per the Dyno Man - flat track ( on the 1 7/8 inch O.D. Headers ) is used to
DEFINE THE POWERBAND . ( in this case upper midrange ) Fireing the cannon balls ( Gas Charge Pulses ) Up & Down the PIPE -
At the correct phasing to get it all synchronous - when he wants it / needs it . for Flat Track . AXTELL .
Note : at no time were ' muffler ' or ' silencer ' considered . But Cut C'do headers at outta the bend up front down under - throw a secondary
twice the X-section aft under - And Put Axtels ' cone ' on the End , and shes gunna GO , all R P M , and not a noise till WFO or past 3/4 open.

, where its pretty much that rolling rattling sort of high frequency low applitude variation pulse ( its in doubled frequencey OBVIOUSLY ),
With a mild bark & cackle on throttle shifts .
( Boyer length for the T 120 Primaries - first cut at top to pull the pipes in close - THEN to prescibed dimension . 27 1/2 If i recall correctly .)
( These'll add 1500 to a sohc 2 litre ford , easy . in you Loctite the Big ends . Cam Peak 5500 , rpm 1st & 2nd 7500 , 7000 in third . DVA carb only other mod .)
theyll get a V 4 2 litre hauling ass too , with the Od - fire pulse L & R the torque band is phenomonal , from 3200 . Dual freeflow .
Pity they put a tractor manifold on the new R - III 's !
Therefore , if its built with No Compromises , youd tend to trickle, idle , and shift up through settlements . ' Off the Idle Jets 'at 60 or 80 - with a free flow set up.
but the uninterupted pulse is uninterupted , The RESONANCE from the pulse in the headers and cans is part of the equation .
Red Hot after pulling down after a run at night , visable ( dull red - Hence BLUEING of Headers ) On hills cruising in cars with Tuned Headers - you get a light crackling
sounds like piston slap or small ends . this is the Metal Flex at the pulse as it travels in each header pipe . The load also enhances Vacum. ! As Would a Mega . In Parts .
Thus theres about six effects cross referancing - varying speeds pulse speeds pressures openings & closings . More like an Orchestra than a Solo musician ! If its right
Dischordant or sub optimum if ' somethings out ' .