Looking for pictures of George Gjonovitch or the HPI premises in Garden Grove

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Dec 30, 2012
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Hi all

Does anyone have a picture of George Gjonovitch or the HPI premises in Garden Grove, Southern California that they would be willing to let me use in one of my upcoming videos? I would be sure to acknowledge in the video and description.

It would be great to include something during the video presentation by Paul (@Super Seven) of his “Nortons in the bedroom” visit, during which Paul speaks fondly of his friendship with George and Horsepower International (HPI) in Garden Grove

Here’s Dave’s (@swooshdave) thread on the forum:

Thanks a lot
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George passed some decades ago

That's what I thought. Asking for photos of his place was just a shot in the dark.

Back in those days things weren't documented like they are now. These days there's 3 or 4 cars with 360 cameras driving around every street in the country at all times. Let alone the billions of cell phones taking zillions of pictures.
That's what I thought. Asking for photos of his place was just a shot in the dark.

Back in those days things weren't documented like they are now. These days there's 3 or 4 cars with 360 cameras driving around every street in the country at all times. Let alone the billions of cell phones taking zillions of pictures.
So how many people looking at the zillions of pictures from billions of cell phones?
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